How to Make a Sock Snowman
Easy Christmas Sock Doll Craft

Make your own adorable little sock snowman...

completed sock snowman

Isn't this little snowman just the cutest? I think he'll add a lot of personality to my Christmas decorations this year.

It's the first time I tried making any sort of sock doll and I think he turned out great...

I came across the idea of sock snowmen on the sock crafts for kids page at "Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities". I've kept pretty closely to Danielle's method but tweaked one or two things here and there. Incidentally, her site is definitely worth checking out for loads of other fun projects.

Materials for Sock Snowman

For this snowman craft project you will need:

  • White sock
  • Red sock (or other color)
  • Rubber bands
  • White yarn or thread
  • Buttons
  • Rice
  • Polyester toy filling (optional)
materials for making sock snowman

The only thing that's really essential is the white sock, so don't worry if you don't have all the other stuff - you can improvise! If you don't have spare buttons for the eyes and nose you can always use twigs and stones from your garden, or just draw on a face instead. If you can't find polyester toy filling then you can just fill the snowman entirely with rice, beans, toilet paper, or the stuffing from an old pillow.

For the socks, you can use men's, women's, or kids' socks, depending on the size of snowman you want. I'd recommend women's socks for a cute size. I tried using a men's socks to begin with, but the snowman was *huge*, like a giant marshmallowy door-stop.

Making the Sock Snowman

Body - version with arms

To make the main body of the sock snowman, see these instructions at Dannielle's Place

The only variations I'd suggest to Danielle's instructions are:

  • Rice base . I filled the toe of the sock with about 1 inch (2.5) cm of rice before putting in the toy filling. The rice at the bottom will help your sock snowman stand up on his own when he's finished.
  • Yarn instead of rubber bands . I tied yarn next to the rubber bands, then snipped away the rubber bands. I think that twine will last better than rubber bands, because rubber bands can go crumbly over time.

Body - simpler version without arms

As an alternative, here's a slightly simpler way of making a sock snowman without any arms. The only thing I'd suggest doing differently than this video is using only a bit of rice in the bottom of the sock and then filling the rest with toy stuffing. I tried making one snowman with all-rice stuffing, and he looked OK but he was also kinda saggy and bloated. Just warning you :-)


Now that you've made your snowman, it's time to decorate him!

To make a beanie for your sock snowman, put the red sock on his head and tie a rubber band to mark the size of beanie you want.

sock snowman - beanie from red sock

Snip of the excess sock, leaving about an inch spare.

sock snowman - trimmed beanie

Replace the rubber band with yarn, then snip the end of the beanie into strips to make a pom pom.

sock snowman - beanie pom pom

Buttons & Face

Glue or sew buttons for the chest and face. I sewed them on, but honestly it was a bit fiddly and next time I think I'll just glue them on with hot glue or epoxy.

To sew on a button: sew into the snowman then through the button, keeping the thread very loose. Go around two or three times, so that you have three loose loops of thread joining the button to the snowman. Then gently pull on the loose ends of thread to tighten and knot the loose ends of thread under the button.

sock snowman - sewing on buttons

My snowman's face:

sock snowman - sewing on a face


With the leftover piece of red sock cut a 1 inch strip in a spiral to make a scarf. Cutting in a spiral lets you make the scarf as long as you want. Make lots of little cuts at each end to make tassels for the scarf.

sock snowman - making a scarf from a red sock


Congratulations on finishing your sock snowman! How did he turn out? If you have any questions or comments about this project, or just want to say hi, please contact me with this handy form .

completed sock snowman

More Snowman Christmas Crafts

Looking for more snowman craft ideas? Check out these other snowman Christmas crafts on our site:

Or see my complete collection of homemade Christmas ornament tutorials.

Happy crafting :-)


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