Funny 30th Birthday Gag Gifts

Funny 30th birthday gag gifts and humor to inspire you for this significant birthday.

Turning 30 can be a difficult time for some people, so why not give the gift of laughter just to cheer them up! Sure, birthday gags poke fun at a person's age, but as they can't do anything about it anyway at least they can smile at their predicament :-)

On this page you'll find a huge collection of ideas. Hopefully you'll find one that's just right for the person you're thinking of!

Last updated: January 27, 2022

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30th Birthday "Year Born" poster

Make a personalized poster to celebrate the momentous occasion of their 30th birthday! And reminisce over how times have changed since they were born.

Click here to personalize and print your poster

I wanted to write and let you know that my friend LOVED his birthday did all his friends and family at the birthday party!" Jana, Virginia

We've researched all the interesting and funny facts from the year they were born, and our poster maker formats it all beautifully for you. You can personalize the poster with their name, choose your color palette, and add anything else you want about them.

Click here to personalize and print your poster

Funny 30th Birthday Gag Gift - Survival Kits

Turning 30 can be very traumatic (you're getting older!!)... or just a great excuse for a party! To help your friend cope in this difficult time, cheer them up by putting together a survival kit containing all the things they will soon need.

If they're worried about aging, make them an Aging Survival Kit to help them prepare for their more mature years!

Aging Survival Kit for 30th Birthday

Is your friend worried about aging? Turning 30 is quite a milestone in life, and you're now meant to be more responsible and grown-up, right? Poke fun at their age-related insecurities with this 30th birthday gag gift:

  • Anti-aging face cream - to fight lines and wrinkles.
  • Anti-aging pills - to combat the signs of aging! (Make an "anti-aging pills" label and attach it to a bottle of sweets or chocolates).
  • Starbursts - for the extra burst of energy you'll need now you're older.
  • Marbles - to replace the ones you've lost so far.
  • Notepad and pen - to write down things as you start to lose your memory.
  • Hair dye - to cover those first gray hairs.
  • Tissues - for emotional moments as you farewell your youth.
  • A penny - to start off your retirement fund.
  • Lollipop - because being 30 sucks!
  • Hershey kisses - to kiss your twenties goodbye!

Package all the gifts up and present them to the birthday gal/guy with a laugh!

"Dirty Thirty" 30th Birthday Survival Kit

If your friend likes to party, then make them a "Dirty Thirty" survival kit, to help them cope with the demands of the party... and survive the hang-over the following day.

Things you could include in your "Dirty Thirty" 30th Birthday Survival Kit:

  • Party Poppers (or balloon) - to start the night off with a bang!
  • Miniature bottle of alcohol (a shot of spirits, or small bottle of sparkling wine/champagne) - because you deserve a celebratory drink for making this far in life!
  • Hershey kisses - to kiss your twenties goodbye.
  • Lip Balm - to prepare for all those birthday kisses.
  • Mints - fresh breath for all your birthday kisses.
  • Band-aids or blister blockers - for your party-feet.
  • Hair ties - for holding back your hair in case you throw-up!
  • Tissues - for any emotional moments as you farewell your youth.
  • Whistle - for when you fall down and can't get up again!
  • Name tag - for when you forget your name!
  • Cleansing wipes - in case you're a little worse for wear and need cleaning up!
  • Bottle of water (or gatorade) - drink this when you get home.
  • Coffee or gift-card to Starbucks - for the morning after!
  • Aspirin or Tylenol - to relieve your aching head.
  • Antacid - to settle your stomach.
  • Sunglasses - to soften the morning light.
  • Ear plugs - minimise noise if you're feeling a bit sensitive.

Package them all up together, and present this 30th birthday gag gift to the party-girl before heading out on the town. It's sure to be much appreciated!

30th Birthday Gag Gifts - Funny Sayings

These funny 30th birthday sayings are perfect for writing in cards.

You could also use them to make a badge that the birthday boy or girl can wear with pride! You can find badge making kits in craft stores. Or you could use this online medal generator to make an image of a medal and then print it out.

30th birthday gag gift badge
  • 30 isn't old. Depressing, but not old.

  • I finally reached the perfect age. Somewhere between 29 years and none of your business!

  • Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it anyway!

  • I'm not 30. I'm only $29.95 plus tax.

  • Recycled teenager

  • In dog years, I'd be dead.

  • I'm 30 and I feel great. Here, have a feel! (This works well on a T-shirt as well as a badge)

  • I'm not 30. I'm 21 with 9 year's experience!

  • Looks 18
    Acts 12
    That makes me 30!

  • Congratulations on turning 30. You're now officially OLD.

  • You've been promoted! (from 29 to 30)

  • Vintage 1994, aged to perfection

And there are many more funny 30th birthday wishes and 30th birthday quotes here. Plus check out my huge collection of 100+ happy birthday wishes.

Funny 30th Birthday Safety Signs

Are you looking for some fun party decor? One of our printable safety signs could be just the thing...

Click one of the thumbnails below, or check out my full collection of funny safety signs.

"In Memory of Youth" Tombstone

Here's a slightly mean (but funny) 30th birthday gag gift. Use this online tombstone generator to create tombstone that says "In loving memory of (Name)'s Youth. 1994 - 2024" .

30th birthday gag gift in memory of youth tombstone

You could also go one step further and make an actual physical mini-tombstone out of a plank of wood, and put a little bit of fake grass on the bottom. Alternatively I think it would be fun to make one out of gingerbread and decorate it!

For a balding guy, an alternative tombstone message could be:

"In loving memory of (Name)'s Hair"

Funny Newspaper Clipping

30th birthday gag gifts newspaper clipping

Use our handy newspaper generator to make a fake newspaper story about how your friend has turned 30 and is now officially "old".

It's a nice touch to print it out and put it inside their birthday card. You can include a little note which says something like:

"I almost forgot your birthday but then I saw this article in the paper that reminded me!"

Funny 30th Birthday Gag Gift Shirt

Get a T-shirt and use finger paints to make 6 hand prints on it, and then write on it "I'm this many!". One of the visitors to our site wrote in saying that they'd made this for a friend's 30th birthday.

Don't have time to make a shirt? Check out the great range of "Vintage 1993" Hoodies and Sweatshirts on Amazon, these would make a funny 30th birthday gag gift too!

30th Birthday Gag Gift Poem

A silly poem to go along with your gag gift:

I heard that you'll turn 30 this year
But don't be scared - there's nothing to fear!

Nothing, that is, but creaky joints...
...and an achy back, and a few other points...

Oh and wrinkly skin, and age spots too
But don't worry old man (or woman), we'll still love you!

Poem copyright © You are free to use this poem for personal, non-commercial, offline use, but please do not reproduce it on other websites.

In the year you were born...

It's always nice to remind someone just how old they are by quoting a couple of facts from the year they were born. Here are some ideas to get you started.

You can find more facts at . On that site you can even find events that happened on your friend's exact birthday.

In 1993...

  • Nelson Mandela won a Nobel Peace Prize for ending apartheid
  • Dreamlover by Mariah Carey topped the charts
  • Cloned dinosaurs wreaked havoc in Jurassic Park
  • Women finally able to wear pants in the U.S. Senate
  • Michael Bay directed the very first ad for Got Milk?
  • Mulder & Scully showed us that The Truth is Out There
  • The first webcam was connection to the internet

To make a neat gift, you turn these facts from their birth year into a personalized poster like this:

personalized poster 30th birthday gift

Click here to personalize and print your poster

More ideas...

I hope you liked our collection of funny 30th birthday gag gifts and silly birthday pranks.

If you're looking for more gift ideas, here are some other pages you might enjoy:


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