108 Animal Trivia for Kids and Adults

Last updated: January 29, 2025 by Michelle

I still remember the day my uncle bought me a whole big collection of Zoobooks as a kid. I was absolutely fascinated by all the fun animal trivia I found in those books. Maybe you or your kids have a similar story, or perhaps you’re just curious about animal trivia in general. Well, we’ve got a whole lot here for you. Enjoy 108 animal trivia questions that range from easy tidbits you might already know to mind-blowing factoids you never could have guessed.

animal trivia questions with answers and free printable game

Scroll down to view all our animal trivia questions, or jump to the appropriate section using the navigation below. And don’t miss out on our free, printable animal trivia PDFs that give you all the trivia in four handy PDFs.

Best | Easy | Moderate | Hard

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Animal Trivia What's the word for a group of hedgehogs?

Best Animal Trivia Questions

These are our absolute favorite animal trivia questions. They span a broad range of difficulties, but they all have one thing in common: Being super interesting and fun!

Q: Where will you find a dog’s sweat glands?
A: On its paws.

Q: How high can a penguin jump?
A: About nine feet.

Q: How long will a housefly live on average?
A: 28 days.

Q: What’s the best way to tell a crocodile apart from an alligator?
A: Look at their snouts. A crocodile’s is more pointed and an alligator’s is wider and more U-shaped.

Q: Which mammal lacks vocal cords?
A: Giraffes.

Q: How many times per second does a woodpecker peck?
A: 20.

Q: While mating, which distinctive shape do dragonfly tails make?
A: A heart.

Q: What do you call a baby goat?
A: A kid.

Animal Trivia How high can a penguin jump?

Q: A housefly hums in a specific musical key. Which is it?
A: The key of F.

Q: What’s the word for a group of hedgehogs?
A: A prickle.

Q: Which sea critter can regrow its arms?
A: A starfish.

Q: How long can a camel survive without any water?
A: More than a week.

Q: Which modern day animal is most closely related to a T-Rex?
A: Chickens.

Q: What type of frog is so translucent that you can see right through it to the bones and organs inside?
A: A glass frog.

Q: How many types of ladybugs are there?
A: Around 5,000.

Q: Which animal smells like popcorn?
A: Binturongs (bearcats).

Q: How many bones can you find inside a shark?
A: Zero.

Q: Where does a turtle breathe from?
A: Its butt.

Q: How much weight can an ant carry?
A: 10-50 times its body weight.

Q: What do you call a group of rhinos?
A: A crash.

Q: Which animal is the most poisonous in the entire world?
A: A golden poison frog.

Q: How many flowers must a honey bee visit to make a pound of honey?
A: Two million.

Q: What’s the word for the top of a turtle’s shell?
A: Carapace.

Q: How does a female dragonfly avoid an undesirable mate?
A: By playing dead.

Q: What do you call a female fox?
A: A vixen.

Animal Trivia Which animal can change color to match its environment?

Easy Animal Trivia Questions for Kids

Gather the kids around for these easy animal trivia questions. We picked out a few that are so well-known, even the youngsters will enjoy them.

Q: Which sea creature sings songs under the water that can travel for miles?
A: Humpback whales.

Q: Who is the “king of the jungle?”
A: Lions.

Q: Which animal can change color to match its environment?
A: A chameleon.

Q: What animal is a symbol of peace?
A: Doves.

Q: What is the tallest animal?
A: Giraffes.

Q: What type of cat has no tail?
A: A manx.

Q: What is the biggest snake in the world?
A: Anaconda.

Q: What is a panda’s favorite food?
A: Bamboo.

Q: Where is a shrimp’s heart?
A: In its head.

Q: What sort of animal is a seahorse?
A: A fish

Q: How many legs does an octopus have?
A: Eight.

Animal Trivia Where does a tortoise lay its eggs?

Q: Where does a tortoise lay its eggs?
A: In a hole.

Q: What do you call a group of fish?
A: A school.

Q: Who is “man’s best friend?”
A: Dogs.

Q: What is the fastest animal on land?
A: A cheetah.

Q: What’s the slowest animal?
A: A sloth.

Q: Which type of lion does most of the hunting?
A: A lioness.

Q: What type of bird is associated with New Zealand?
A: A kiwi.

Q: What’s the baby stage of a frog called?
A: A tadpole.

Q: What animal is also known as a “sea cow?”
A: A manatee.

Q: How many humps do most camels have?
A: One or two.

Q: What is the smallest type of bird?
A: A hummingbird.

Q: What color is a giraffe’s tongue?
A: Purple.

Q: What’s the word for a group of crows?
A: A murder.

Q: Are most reptiles cold-blooded or warm-blooded?
A: Cold-blooded.

Q: What’s another word for fireflies?
A: Lightning bugs.

Animal Trivia What is a Portuguese Man O' War?

Moderate Animal Trivia Questions

Let’s take things up a notch. These animal trivia questions are a bit harder. See how many manage to stump you!

Q: Which mammal has the thickest fur?
A: A sea otter.

Q: Which animal moves so slowly algae has time to grow on its back?
A: Sloths.

Q: What is the smallest type of monkey?
A: Pygmy marmoset.

Q: How many stages are there to an insect’s metamorphosis?
A: Four.

Q: Koala bears will only eat one thing. What is it?
A: Eucalyptus.

Q: Which animal will laugh if you tickle it?
A: A rat.

Q: What do you call a group of ferrets?
A: A business.

Q: How many eyes does a honeybee have?
A: Five.

Q: How long does it take from the start of pregnancy for an elephant to give birth?
A: 22 months.

Q: How can you tell which bee is the queen?
A: It will have a longer thorax.

Q: How can a cat show you it trusts you?
A: By headbutting you.

Q: How much can a komodo dragon weigh at the upper end?
A: More than 300 pounds.

Q: What type of animal typically found on a farm can get a sunburn?
A: A pig.

Q: A single pufferfish could kill how many people with its toxin?
A: 30.

Q: How far can a frog jump?
A: More than 20 times its body length.

Animal Trivia How can you tell which bee is the queen?

Q: What is a group of kangaroos called?
A: A troop.

Q: What does a caterpillar eat as soon as it hatches?
A: Its shell.

Q: Honeybees and one other insect can recognize human faces. What is the other insect?
A: Wasps.

Q: Which animal has the highest blood pressure?
A: Giraffes.

Q: How can you tell how old a lion is?
A: By looking at its nose. It will change color over the course of the lion’s life.

Q: What does a snake use to taste and smell?
A: The roof of its mouth.

Q: What is a kit?
A: A baby rabbit.

Q: What’s another name for the King Cobra?
A: The Hamadryad.

Q: What is a Portuguese Man O’ War?
A: A type of jellyfish.

Q: What’s the largest rodent in the world?
A: A capybara.

Q: What is the largest bird in the world?
A: An ostrich.

Q: Which country brought domestic cats to America?
A: England.

Q: What is the word for a male turkey?
A: A gobbler.

Q: What is a rhino’s horn made of?
A: Keratin, which also helps form hair and nail tissues.

Q: How long does a mayfly live?
A: A few hours to a day.

Animal Trivia Which animal has pink sweat?

Hard Animal Trivia Questions for Adults

Okay, it’s time for the real brain-busters. These are our hardest animal trivia questions. Test yourself with these stumpers.

Q: Which animal has the longest migration route in the world?
A: Arctic terns.

Q: Which sea creature can change its gender?
A: Oysters.

Q: How many eyes does a caterpillar have?
A: 12.

Q: What is the difference between something being poisonous and something being venomous?
A: Venom is injected directly into you, like when a snake bites you, but poison can be ingested, inhaled, and absorbed through skin.

Q: How many expressions can a horse make?
A: 17.

Q: Which two mammals lay eggs?
A: A duck-billed platypus and a spiny anteater.

Q: What is a clowder?
A: A group of cats.

Q: What animal requires zero sleep?
A: Bullfrogs.

Q: How heavy is North America’s largest water fowl, the trumpeter swan?
A: Almost 30 pounds.

Q: How long will seahorses mate for?
A: Life.

Q: What color is an elephant hawk-moth?
A: Pink.

Q: Which animal has 32 brains?
A: A leech.

Animal Trivia How many eyes does a caterpillar have?

Q: How long have dragonflies been around?
A: 300 million years.

Q: What do you call a male swan?
A: A cob.

Q: What’s the word for a group of pandas?
A: An embarrassment.

Q: From how far away can wolves smell their prey?
A: Almost two miles.

Q: How many clams can a walrus eat in a single day?
A: 3,000-6,000.

Q: What’s the fastest animal in the water?
A: A sailfish.

Q: What is a group of parrots?
A: A pandemonium.

Q: Which animal will go invisible on infrared cameras?
A: A polar bear.

Q: How many species of ants can you find on Earth?
A: More than 10,000.

Q: Which bird’s eye is bigger than its brain?
A: An ostrich’s.

Q: How fast does a hummingbird’s wings beat?
A: 1,200 beats per minute.

Q: How long can a snail sleep?
A: Three years.

Q: Which animal has pink sweat?
A: A hippo.

Q: What do you call a group of pigs?
A: A drift.

Q: How much weight can a dung beetle haul?
A: 1,141 times its body weight.

Printable Animal Trivia PDFs (Free PDF Printables)

Do you want to use these animal trivia questions for a birthday, event, or classroom setting? Check out our animal trivia PDFs, which make it super easy to get all your favorite questions in one spot. Download your favorite, or grab all eight. These free, printable PDFs are for personal, non-commercial use only.

Animal Trivia FAQ

Have some questions about the trivia itself? Here are our top tips on how to make the most of your animal trivia questions.

How should I use animal trivia questions?

There are a ton of great ways to use animal trivia questions. Trivia is a great ice breaker. People can focus on puzzling out the answers instead of any social anxiety they might feel. You can use these in just about any group setting, from work to school to a party at home. They’re a great family game night activity. Plus, your kids might learn a lot!

What are some random animal trivia facts?

Scroll up to the top of this page for a random animal trivia fact! Or scroll to a random spot on the page to find even more animal trivia. But if you want a teaser, here’s a few extra random animal trivia facts:

  • John Lennon of the Beatles had a cat named Elvis.
  • A hen can lay an average of 227 eggs a year.
  • A karakul is a type of sheep.
  • Owls have eye tubes instead of eye balls.
  • Reindeer eyes turn blue in winter so they can see better in lower light.

Are animal trivia questions good for parties/school/etc.?

Yes! They’re great for any group setting. If you’re a teacher, you can use animal trivia as a fun classroom activity that will also help get your students thinking. If you’re a parent, you could host a child’s birthday party and use animal trivia as a fun party game. Animal trivia is great for adults too. Use it as an ice breaker at your next movie night, family holiday, or event.

What is the most interesting animal fact?

That’s impossible to say. There are so many interesting animal facts. For example, a single strand of spider silk is thinner than a human hair but five times stronger than a piece of steel of equivalent width. Or how about this one: There used to be a massive penguin called the colossus penguin that was as tall as LeBron James. Sadly, it’s now extinct.

More Trivia Fun for the Whole Family

If you’re a trivia addict, you’re probably already looking for more. Fortunately, we have a ton more trivia to offer on a huge range of subjects. Check out these trivia pages we think you’ll love:


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