Free Printable Baseball Coloring Pages

Last updated: March 28, 2025 by the Homemade Gifts Coloring Team

No one would claim I was good at baseball growing up, but I sure did try. It was the ultimate summertime activity, and most of the kids in my small hometown joined up just like I did. These baseball coloring pages bring back fond reminders of those days. They include realistic baseball images, easy coloring pages for kids, and cool baseball equipment.

Baseball coloring pages montage

All of these baseball and softball coloring pages are free for you to download. You can collect them just like baseball cards if you want! So, click on the baseball coloring pages you like, or the text description beneath them, and start downloading. Then grab your colored pencils and take a swing. You might hit a homerun without even trying.

⚾ Baseball Coloring Pages
🥎 Softball Coloring Pages

These printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.

Baseball Coloring Pages

America’s pastime has never been easier to have in your home than with these baseball coloring pages. We’ve even got a few baseball player coloring pages that pay homage to the incredible athletes we all admire so much.

Softball Coloring Pages

How about a curveball? We’ve got softball coloring pages too! Keep the fun going with these cool and fun images of softball.

Baseball and Softball Crafts That’ll Score a Homerun

If you want to get a bit more hands-on with your baseball and softball coloring pages, we’ve got a bunch of crafts you can try out. Don’t be afraid to swing for the fences. You and your kids can try any of these simple crafts right at home.

Design a Homemade Baseball Father’s Day Card

Besides baseball and softball games, Father’s Day also pops up during summer. This offers a great opportunity, especially if the kids share their love of baseball or softball with their dad. They can make him a homemade Father’s Day card using our baseball coloring pages. All you need to do is print the image on one quarter of the page so you can fold the paper into a card after printing it. Let the kids color in this card. It doesn’t need to be perfect; it just has to be personal. Dad will love getting a homemade card that celebrates his special day and his love of baseball.

Create a Keepsake Baseball or Softball

If your kids play baseball or softball, make a memento of their fledgling sports career while you can. All you need is a baseball or softball and a little bit of non-toxic paint. First, spread some paint on your kid’s hand (the palm side). Then have them grab the baseball or softball just like they would during a game. Carefully remove the ball from your kid’s painted-up hand, preserving the handprint. Let the ball dry before touching it again, then find a place to proudly display it as a sweet memento.

Wrap a Baseball or Softball Book to Give as a Gift

Kids can fall behind on their learning during summer, but you can keep them engaged with a baseball or softball book! There are a ton of these books that are specifically written for children, so you should be able to find one no matter what reading level your little ones are at. For a bit of extra charm, you could color a baseball coloring page or softball coloring page and use it as the wrapping paper for the book. Coloring pages make great wrapping paper because they’re a good size for covering a small item like a book.

Sew Your Own Baseball Laces

Use baseball as a means to teach your kids another interesting skill - sewing! This might seem like an unlikely combination, but it’s actually super simple. All you need is construction paper, yarn, and a hole punch. Cut the paper into a circle and draw two curving lines on it (these are the “seams” on the baseball). Punch out holes on either side of the seams. Six to ten should be plenty. Then you can tape the end of a bit of yarn and let your kids “sew” the laces by passing the yarn through the holes. This is a safe way to teach them the craft, as it doesn’t involve a real needle.

Make a Baseball or Softball Card of YOU

You can turn a baseball player coloring page into your very own baseball or softball card. First, print out your favorite baseball coloring pages that feature a person playing baseball or softball. Make sure you color it beautifully. Then you can use your child’s photo (a school photo works well for this) to add them to the card. Sure, it’ll look a little silly, but that’s all part of the charm. Frame it to make it look even more like a baseball card.

Sports Coloring Pages

Are you a multiple athlete with many sports that you're fond of? You might want to head over to our sports coloring pages where you'll find various football, games, and winter sports too!

sports coloring pages

More Sporty and Fun Coloring Pages

If you have sporty kids, they probably like more than just baseball or softball. Check out these other sporty coloring pages that we think you’ll love. We’ve also mixed in a few non-sport coloring pages just for fun!


This printable is for personal, non-commercial use only.



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