140 Best Christmas Jokes for Kids

Last Updated: December 23, 2024 by Katie

My son loves to sleigh with some well-timed knock-knock Christmas jokes at the dinner table this time of year. Much like Santa’s naughty and nice list, sometimes they are good, and sometimes they are bad, but he - of course - thinks that they are absolutely tree-rific! If you need Christmas jokes for kids this holiday season, you can giggle with our collection of funny Christmas jokes that are snow-much fun, you'll be ho-ho-ho-ing with laughter! 'Tis the season to be jolly, so share these yuletide chuckles with your little elves.

christmas jokes for kids santa and reindeer cookies with bite taken out

Random Christmas Joke ☃️

Hit the magic button and get a random holiday joke from Santa's bag!

Scroll down to read our collection of kid-friendly Christmas jokes, or use these links to jump to a particular category.

Best | Santa | Christmas Tree | Reindeer | Elf | Snowman

How to Use Christmas Jokes for Kids

Need some ideas for how to use all of these holly jolly Christmas jokes for kids? Whether you're in search of the perfect punchline for a holiday card or a short Christmas joke for a Christmas cracker - we'll keep you laughing all through the festive season.

  • Write a Christmas joke on your gift tags for a little giggle on Christmas morning.
  • Making Christmas Crackers? These jokes are perfect to make your family ho-ho-ho with laughter.
  • Do you need little treats for the classroom? Put one of these Christmas jokes for kids on a tag and tie it to a small candy cane or on a reindeer cone of hot chocolate as a little happy for your student’s Christmas party.
  • Print out Christmas jokes for kids on colored paper in different shapes and put them on your Christmas tree as ornaments for a jolly festive tradition that can continue every year.

Grab a candy cane, and dive into this comedic collection. From Santa's belly-shaking chuckles to corny Christmas dad jokes, our festive funnies are here to sprinkle your holiday season with laughter. You're sure to sleigh it at your family gathering or school Christmas party.

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Best Christmas Jokes for Kids

Get ready to add lots of laughs to the festive season with our selection of the BEST funny Christmas jokes for kids. These jokes are snow much fun, they'll have your little elves giggling all through December!

Why do mummies like Christmas?
There's lots of wrapping!

What's red, white, and blue on Christmas Day?
A sad candy cane.

Why was the snowman yellow?
Ask your dog.

What do gingerbread men use when they break their legs?
Candy canes.

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?

What song do you sing at a snowman's birthday party?
Freeze a jolly good fellow!

How does Christmas day end?
With the letter ‘Y’!

Why don’t aliens celebrate Christmas?
They don’t want to give away their presence!

What's green, covered in tinsel, and says ribbit, ribbit?
A Mistle-toad.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Yule who?
Yule never guess!

What happened to the boy who kept eating Christmas decorations?
He got Tinsel-itis.

Why was the math book sad during Christmas?
It had too many problems.

What's every parent's favorite Christmas Carol?
Silent Night.

Why is it so cold at Christmas?
It's on Decembrrrrrrrrr 25th.

christmas jokes for kids parents' favorite christmas carol silent night

Why did the turkey join the band?
Because he had drum sticks.

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?

How do you make a snowman's bed?
With fresh sheets of ice and a thick blanket of snow.

How does a sheep say Merry Christmas?
"Fleece Navidad!"

What does December have that no other month has?
The letter D.

Why did the gingerbread man go to the doctor?
He was feeling crummy.
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Ya who?
Wow, you’re really excited about Christmas!

What was the snowman doing in the vegetable store?
Picking his nose.

What do you call it when a little snowman has a tantrum?
A meltdown.

What kind of robots live at the North Pole?

What did one cranberry say to the other cranberry?
"Tis the season to be jelly"!

What is the most competitive season?

What kind of bug doesn't enjoy Christmas?
A humbug.

What do monkeys sing at Christmas?
Jungle bells!

How did Ebenezer Scrooge win the soccer game?
The ghost of Christmas passed.

christmas jokes for kids santa racing ready set ho ho ho

Santa Jokes for Kids

These Santa Claus-themed jokes are for kids who've been on their best behavior all year long! Whether you're trimming the tree, eating Christmas dinner or sipping hot cocoa by the fireplace, there's always room for a hearty ho-ho-ho.

Why shouldn't you ever owe Santa money?
He snows where you live.

Where is Santa's favorite state to deliver gifts?

What currency does Santa use in the North Pole?
Cold, hard cash.

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Ho Ho.
Ho Ho who?
Your Santa impression needs work!

What do you call a person who talks a lot about last Christmas?

What does Santa say to begin a race?
"Ready, set, ho ho ho!"

Why do Dasher and Blitzen take so many coffee breaks?
They're Santa's star-bucks.

What's Santa's favorite rapper?

How much did Santa's sleigh cost?
Nothing, it’s on the house!

What happens when Santa gets stuck in a chimney?
He gets Claustrophobia.

What make of motorbike does Santa ride?
A Holly Davidson!

What happens when you cross Santa with a duck?
You get a Christmas Quacker.

Who delivers presents to cats?

What do you call Santa if he has no money?
Saint Nickel-less.

What's red, white, and green?
Santa when he gets travel sick!

christmas jokes for kids how much did santa's sleigh cost

Do you know Santa has karate moves?
He has a black belt.

Who delivers Christmas gifts to sharks?
Santa Jaws.

What does Santa take photos with?
A Pole-aroid camera.

Where does Santa stay on a vacation with Mrs Claus?
At a ho-ho-ho-tel.

Who do Santa's helpers like to listen to when they're making toys?
Elf-is Presley.

Where does Santa go swimming?
The North Pool.

What is the name of Santa's dog?
Santa Paws.

How does Santa know which fireplaces he has visited?
He keeps a log.

What's Santa's favorite snack?
Crisp Pringles.

What's the main ingredient in Santa's cakes?
Elf-raising flour.

What nationality is on Santa's passport?
North Polish.

What's red, white, red, white, red, white, red, white?
Santa rolling down a hill.

How does Santa open doors?
With a tur-key.

How do you clean your hands during the holidays?
With Santa-tizer!

What do you call a frozen Santa Claus?
Santa Pause.

What do you call people who are scared of Santa?

Who says "oh oh oh"?
Santa walking backwards.

christmas jokes for kids knock knock pudding up the tree

Christmas Tree Jokes for Kids

These tree-mendous Christmas tree jokes are perfect for the whole family. Put them on a gift tag or a Christmas cracker to have your family laughing all season long.

Why did the Christmas tree book an appointment at the hair salon?
For a trim.

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Pudding who?
Pudding up the Christmas tree!

What did Santa say to the elves about their tree-decorating skills?
You need to spruce it up!

What did one Christmas tree say to another?
Lighten up!

What do you call an artificial Christmas tree?
A faux Fir.

Why did the Christmas tree visit the hospital?
Because it was feeling green.

What did the beaver say to the Christmas tree?
"Nice gnawing you."

What do Santa's reindeer decorate their Christmas tree with?

christmas jokes for kids sad christmas tree lighten up

Why do Christmas trees love the past?
The present's beneath them.

Who's a Christmas tree's favorite action-hero actor?
Spruce Willis.

What did the festive Christmas tree say to the sad Christmas tree?
Lighten up!

Why did the Christmas tree apply for a new job?
It wanted to branch out.

What happens when Christmas trees go numb?
They get pines and needles.

Why was the ornament addicted to Christmas?
It was hooked on trees its whole life.

Why are Christmas trees so terrible at sewing?
They always drop their needles.

Who's a Christmas tree's favorite rock singer?
Spruce Springsteen.

What do you get when you cross a Christmas tree with an iPad?
A pine-apple!

christmas jokes for kids reindeer look silly in christmas sweaters

Reindeer Christmas Jokes for Kids

These funny reindeer jokes will make parents, grandparents, kids and even teachers giggle. These jokes will have you laughing so much, your face will be as red as Rudolph's nose!

What did Santa ask Rudolph on Christmas Eve?
"Do you think it will rain, dear?"

What's at the top of a reindeer's Christmas list?
A pony sleigh station.
(Get it? Instead of a Sony PlayStation)

Why do reindeer wear bells?
Because their horns don’t work!

What do you call a reindeer with five eyes?
A Reiiiiindeer.

Why did the reindeer cross the road?
Because chickens don't live at the North Pole.

What do you call a group of reindeer in the desert?
Very lost.

What do you call a reindeer with no ears?
Anything you like.

Why do reindeer have winter coats?
Because they'd look so silly in a Christmas sweater.

What is Rudolph's favorite food?

What do you get when a reindeer ignores you?
The cold shoulder.

What do you call a reindeer with no eyes?
No eye deer.

What do you call a reindeer with no eyes, that's not moving?
Still no eye deer.

Why do reindeer listen to Beyoncé songs?
She sleighs.

How do the reindeer know that it is going to rain?
Rudolph the red-knows-rain, deer!

What do you put over a baby reindeer's crib?
A snow-mobile.

What's a reindeer's favorite time at school?

christmas jokes for kids reindeer with best moves is dancer

What do reindeer like about rainy winter days?

What do they build houses with at the North Pole?
A crane-deer.

What does Santa do when the reindeer fly too fast?
Holds onto the sleigh for deer life.

What do you call a reindeer you meet on Halloween?
A cari-boo!

Why did Rudolph have a bad grade on his school report?
He went down in history!

Which of Santa's reindeer needs better manners?

What did the reindeer say before he told a joke?
"This one's going to sleigh you."

What is Rudolph's favorite sport?
Stable tennis.

Where do reindeer order coffee?

How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming?
He looks at his calen-deer.

Out of all of Santa's reindeer, who has the coolest moves?

christmas jokes for kids what do santas elves drive

Elf Christmas Jokes for Kids

These jokes about Santa’s little helpers will have you rolling under your tree laughing. Share them with your little elves today.

What do you call a greedy elf?

What is an elf's favorite candy?

What do you call an elf that runs away from Santa's workshop?
A rebel without a Claus!

How do you help someone who has lost his Christmas spirit?
Nurse him back to elf!

What sport is part of the elf Olympics?
North Pole-vaulting.

What’s every elf’s favorite type of music?
Wrap music!

Why shouldn't you lend money to elves?
They're always short.

What kind of photos do elves take?

What do you call an elf wearing earmuffs?
Anything you want- he can’t hear you!

What’s another name for elf feet?

What do elves like to eat when they are sick?
Chicken Elf-abet soup!

What do Santa’s elves drive?

What kind of money do elves use?
Jingle bills.

What happens to bad elves?
They get the sack!

What does a little elf learn at school?
The elfabet.

christmas jokes for kids where does a snowman keep his money?

Snow and Snowman Christmas Jokes for Kids

These Christmas jokes are snow much fun! You’ll be sleighing the winter vibes this holiday season with these jokes about snow and snowmen.

Where would you find a snowman dancing?
At a snowball.

What do you call an old snowman?

How do you scare a snowman?
With a hairdryer!

What falls but never gets hurt?

How do snowmen get to school?
They ride an icicle!

What do you call a snowman in summer?
A puddle.

How does Frosty say he's serious?
"Snow joke".

What do road crews use at the North Pole?

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Snow who?
Snowbody home.

What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?
The abdominal snowman.

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Snow who?
Snow time to waste. Christmas is coming!

What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Frosted Flakes.

Where does a snowman keep his money?
In a snow bank.

What's a snowman's favorite food?
Chili dogs.

What do snowmen call their kids?

What is a snowman's favorite drink?
Iced tea.

Why did the snowman name his dog "Frost"?
Because frostbites!

What falls at the North Pole and never gets hurt?

What do snowmen eat for lunch?

For more snow-related laughs, check out our full page of snow puns!

christmas jokes for kids how do snowmen get to school

More Christmas Fun for Kids

Loved our festive Christmas jokes for kids? For more winter cheer to entertain the little ones, these pages are a must-visit:
Winter Jokes for Kids
Snow Puns
Funny Christmas Poems
Winter Coloring Pages
Winter Word Searches
Paper Snowflake Templates
Letter to Santa Template
Christmas Coloring Pages
Christmas Color By Number
Christmas Word Scramble
Christmas Word Search
Twas the Night Before Christmas Activity Sheets

When you need a dose of humor during other seasons, explore our:
Halloween Jokes
Spider Puns
Skeleton Puns
Thanksgiving Jokes Dad Jokes Riddles

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