Free Dot-to-Dot Printables for Kids
Last updated: December 4, 2024 by the Homemade Gifts Coloring Team
I loved dot-to-dot puzzles when I was a kid. There was nothing quite like the thrill of watching the picture slowly come to life as I helped draw it. Little did I realize I was probably learning how to count while playing with those puzzles. You can bring your kids that same fun - and learning - with our free dot-to-dot printables for kids.

Continue scrolling to check out the whole gallery. Then, see our coloring and crafting tips for making your connect the dots printable extra fun. These printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.
Connect the Dots Printables
Browse our selection of dot-to-dot printables right here. Once you pick your picture, simply print it out and choose your drawing or coloring instrument. Start by finding the number “1,” then look for the “2.” Trace from the 1 to the 2 to start connecting the dots. From there, you’ll continue to 3, 4, 5, and so on. It’s truly as simple as following the numbers in order. At the end, you’ll have a cute picture that you can use for coloring and crafting (scroll to the bottom for our tips on that!).
Coloring and Crafting Tips for Your Dot-to-Dot Printables
Now that you have your dot-to-dot printables in hand, you can color them and use them for all kinds of fun crafts. But before you break out the glitter, here are a few tips to help you along the way.
Get the Most from Your Coloring
Just as you can use these connect the dots printables to learn about counting, you can also use them to learn about colors. These fun, cute pictures are a great way to teach your kids about mixing colors and shades to get new colors. They could mix red and blue for a stunning purple to use on a colorful frog. Or they could learn how opposites like green and red make various shades of brown. Best of all, they won’t even realize they’re learning because they’ll be too busy having fun.
Save Your Artwork in a Scrapbook
Preserve this special memory for years to come. Scrapbooking is a super easy way to spend some quality time with your kids and make memories that will last. You don’t need some big fancy scrapbook either. This could be as simple as grabbing a binder at your local convenience store. You can add these dot-to-dot printables (with the date listed on them) and then decorate the rest yourself. This gives kids a chance to express their creativity. Plus, they’ll feel special knowing you want to preserve their artwork for a long time to come.
Use It for a Calendar
We offer a bunch of printable calendar designs that you can use to organize the whole family, but you can make them even more special by customizing them with your dot-to-dot artwork. You may want to cut out your image for this. That way you can glue or tape your image onto a calendar to add a personal touch your kids will be proud to see every day. This is great for a family calendar like a chore calendar. That way it’s something the whole family gets to enjoy.
Use Dot-to-Dot Printables at School or for a Party
Both of the above suggestions work for more than just a rainy day at home. You can use dot-to-dot printables at school or for a child’s birthday party. As noted above, these printables are great for learning not just numbers, but also things like how complementary colors work. That’s perfect for a classroom full of kids at school.
However, they can also be purely fun! Connect the dots printables are an easy thing to have on hand for something like a child’s birthday party. Make sure you print out some extras to ensure everyone will get to pick their favorite picture. It’s a super simple activity that will delight your kid and all their friends.
Color by Number Printables
If you like this combination of number and coloring puzzles, you might be interested in a color by number printable. This makes coloring into a fun game as you start to see the picture fill in!
Other Puzzles and Activities for Kids
We offer a ton more activities and puzzles that will stimulate your kids’ creativity and intelligence. These range from number tracing worksheets to blank maps that will challenge their geography skills to so much more. Here are a few of our favorites:
- Number Tracing Worksheets
- Printable Bubble Letters (for coloring & crafts)
- Printable Alphabet Letter
- Printable Letter Stencils
- Printable Numbers
- Printable Multiplication Charts
- Printable Word Searches
- Back to School Coloring Pages
- First Day of School Sign
- Blank US Map
- All Coloring Pages!