Free Frog Coloring Pages for Kids and Adults
Last updated: September 4, 2024 by the Homemade Gifts Coloring Team
Flipping through these frog coloring pages brings back so many fond childhood memories. As summer gives way to fall rain, you might spot a little froggie or two splashing around. As a kid, my cousins and I would go out after a shower and try to catch frogs in our bare hands. Don’t worry. We always let them go in the end, but these fascinating little creatures were too cute to ignore. If your kids love frogs too, delight them with this selection of frog coloring pages. And while you’re at it, enjoy a few of our realistic frog coloring pages that are suitable for adults and teens.

Gather the family around for a fun day of coloring with our frog coloring pages. We have education pages like “F is for frog” and fun pages like a princess carrying a frog or a kawaii frog cactus. If you really want to turn this into a learning opportunity, scroll to the bottom of the page and check out our cool frog facts that you can weave into coloring time!
Frog Coloring Pages for the Whole Family
To download any of our frog coloring pages, simply click on the image you want or the text link beneath it. These printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.
Cute Frog Coloring Pages
Frogs are so adorable, so it’s no wonder we have a big collection of cute frog coloring pages. Check them all out here and pick a few of your favorites!
Realistic Frog Coloring Pages for Adults
Join in on the fun with a frog coloring page for yourself. You can color one of these realistic frogs and get some quality time with your kids.
Cool Frog Facts
Frogs are cute to look at, but they’re also fascinating creatures with a lot to teach us. Check out these interesting frog facts while you’re coloring. If you’re an educator or parent, you could pair a fun frog coloring page time with these tidbits of knowledge to turn play time into a sneaky learning time. Kids can listen while coloring and pick up frog facts without even noticing that they’re learning.
World’s Largest and Smallest Frogs
Frogs represent a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors in nature. The biggest frog in the world is called the goliath frog. It lives in West Africa and can reach 15 inches and seven pounds. On the extreme opposite end of the scale, the Cuban tree toad is the smallest frog. This tiny guy is just half an inch long. It must be tough being so tiny!
Frog Colors
Frogs employ the whole color spectrum to their advantage. Some are the color of mud or moss in order to blend in. Some poisonous frogs go the opposite way, flashing bright colors at predators to let them know they’re not a tasty treat - they’re a deadly one. And sometimes those colors are a total bluff. A few frogs merely mimic the bright colors of their poisonous brethren and hope that serves as warning enough.
All this variety is great news for your frog coloring pages. You can truly color them however you want! Go for brown and green for a frog seeking camouflage, or choose orange, purple, blue, and other bright colors to design a fun poisonous (or “poisonous”) frog. If you’re looking for tips on where to start, check out our complementary colors page for a bit of color theory.
A Talkative Bunch
We humans like to think of ourselves as the kings of gab. No creature on Earth talks quite like us. But frogs have us beat in one regard. They can boast of being the first land animals with vocal cords. Male frogs even have vocal sacs. They can puff these up to fill them with air and make even louder sounds that other frogs might notice from a full mile away.
Toads Versus Frogs
Speaking of toads, what is the difference between a toad and a frog anyway? Well, it’s something like squares and rectangles. Toads are just a type of frog. The difference is that toads tend to have shorter hind legs than other types of frogs. They also have dry and warty skin.
Frogs Got Hops
We all know frogs can hop around, but just how big are those leaps? You might be surprised to learn how far those little legs of theirs carry them. Thanks to their long legs, a frog can jump more than 20 times the length of their body. Some will make those leaps between tree branches, like the Costa Rican flying frog, so named for how it soars between branches using its webbed feet to glide.
Turtle Coloring Pages
Growing up, it always seemed that frogs and turtles just went perfectly together. They're some of the coolest animals and they're also so much fun to color. If you feel the same way, check out our super cute turtle coloring sheets.
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