Printable Funny Safety Signs for Birthdays

Download and print one of our free funny safety signs to spice up the decorations at your friend or family member's party!

Choose the occasion: 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, retirement

Funny Safety Signs for a 21st Birthday Party

A 21st party, as we all know is a rather exciting affair especially in the USA because it's the first occasion at which the birthday boy or girl is legally entitled to drink. So, it's going to be a sober and formal affair. Not! Haha, in preparation for the raucous party and drinking you might need some of these funny safety signs. First to warn you about the impending hangover, and then to warn people to stay away on the following day.

Sign texts:

  • Caution/Warning: 21st Birthday Party. May cause Hangover
  • Caution/Warning: Hangover in Progress

Funny Safety Signs for a 30th Birthday Party

Thirty is a huge milestone! They're leaving their roaring 20s and entering a time of life when they're suppose to be acting like adults. Good luck with that one! It's a huge shift in identity from being a "young" twenty something to a "grown-up" thirty something.

Sign texts:

  • Caution/Warning: 21st birthday part. May cause hangover
  • Caution/Warning: 30 year old. May make sudden, desperate attempts to appear sexy, youthful, and important

By the way, make sure you also check out my page of 30th birthday gag gift ideas.

Funny Safety Signs for a 40th Birthday Party

40 is a fantastic age because in many ways you're at your prime. But the scary side of that is that it can all start to look downhill from here.

Sign texts:

  • Caution/Warning: 40 year old. May make sudden, desperate attempts to appear sexy, youthful, and important
  • Caution/Warning: 40. It's all downhill from here.
  • Caution/Warning: Over the hill and picking up speed
  • Caution/Warning: Wrinkles ahead

You might also like to check out my 40th birthday gag gift ideas.

Funny Safety Signs for a 50th Birthday Party

Nifty Fifty! It's a huge milestone to make it this far. Most people who reach this age are shaking their head in disbelief that they're really 50. So, given them a little chuckle and let the enormity of the event sink in with one of our funny warning signs.

Sign texts:

  • Caution/Warning: 50 year old. May make sudden, desperate attempts to appear sexy, youthful, and important
  • Caution/Warning: Menopausal woman. May hot flash or spontaneously combust at any moment
  • Caution/Warning: 50. It's all downhill from here.
  • Caution/Warning: Over the hill and picking up speed
  • Caution/Warning: Old Age Ahead
  • Caution/Warning: Old age is like underwear, it creeps up on you
  • Caution/Warning: Wrinkles ahead

Make sure you also check out my 50th birthday gag gift ideas.

Funny Safety Signs for a 60th Birthday Party

Wow, turning 60 and entering the golden years! The magical age when retirement is just around the corner but you don't quite qualify for a Zimmer frame. Celebrate their gargantuan age with one of our funny warning signs.

Sign texts:

  • Caution/Warning: 50 year old. May make sudden, desperate attempts to appear sexy, youthful, and important
  • Caution/Warning: It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits
  • Caution/Warning: Fire Risk, too many birthday candles
  • Caution/Warning: Old Age Ahead
  • Caution/Warning: Old age is like underwear, it creeps up on you
  • Caution/Warning: Hazards of Old age - 1. Memory Loss, 2. I forget, 3. I forget
  • Caution/Warning: Senior Moment in Progress

Also, check out my 60th birthday gag gift ideas.

Funny Safety Signs for a Retirement Party

Sign text:

  • Caution/Warning: Retired. Knows everything and has plenty of time to tell you about it

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