Printable Gift Box Templates
Pillow box and others

gift box templates

Looking for free, high-quality gift box templates to download?

Here you'll find a range of versatile gift box designs below, including this super easy pillow box template.

Make a box using your own craft paper and card stock. Print one of these templates onto the blank side.

Click the box you want to make for further instructions and free template:

free cube box template free heart box template free pillow box template free simple gift bag template free gable gift bag template

Gift Box Templates - Pillow Box

Perfect for jewellery gifts or other small offerings, these pillow boxes are easy to assemble and come in three different sizes.

gift box templates


To make this pillow box, all you need is:
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And you'll need to download the free template:

pillow bag template

Download large template (1 per page)

The large template will make a box that is approximately 6 x 4 inches (15 x 10 cm).

Download medium template (1 per page)

The medium template will make a box that is approximately 4.8 x 3.4 inches (12.2 x 8.6 cm)

Download small template (2 per page)

The smaller template will make a box approximately 3.75 x 2.6 inches (9.5 x 6.5 cm).

Large and small pillow boxes gift box templates


Cut out template

Print out the gift box template onto the blank side of your decorative paper. Cut around the edges of the template.

gift box templates

Score dashed lines

Score along the dashed-edges of the template to make a crease. This will allow you to fold the box easily.

If you don't own a paper scorer / bone folder, don't worry! I like to use the end of a crochet hook to score paper. Other items you can use are the edge of a blunt butter knife, a knitting needle, a pen lid, etc. Just something blunt but pointy that you can run along the edge of a ruler and will provide an indentation in the paper along which you can fold easily, but it won't actually tear your paper.

For the curved edges, just score small sections at a time by running your scoring implement back and forth along the dashed curved line in stages. This will provide a nice neat crease.

gift box templates

Glue and Assemble

Glue along the outer flap of the pillow box template, on the decorative paper side.

Once the glue is added, simply fold this flap inwards, and allow it to adhere to the opposite inside edge of the box. Pop your flat pillow box under a heavy book while it dries.

gift box templates

Once dried, simply assemble your box by squeezing the long-edges together, and folding in the short edges along the curved creases.

gift box templates

gift box templates

gift box templates

Looking for more free gift box templates?

Click the box you want to make for further instructions and free template:

free cube box template free heart box template free pillow box template free simple gift bag template free gable gift bag template


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