Heart Coloring Pages for Kids & Adults

Last updated: January 23, 2025 by the Homemade Gifts Coloring Team

When love is in the air, I start reaching for everything heart-themed. Heart candy, heart clothing, heart decorations — even heart coloring pages. I love these heart coloring pages for helping me get in the right mood for Valentine’s Day, or just a cuddly night on the sofa. Grab a few for you and your sweetheart, or even for the kids.🎨🖍️❤️

free printable heart coloring pages

Choose some cute heart coloring pages that are perfect for the kids, or grab yourself a few fancy heart coloring pages. We have a huge range of heart coloring pages, from super simple to complex and intricate. You can use these heart coloring page printables at home for a cozy and romantic night in. Or organize a Valentine’s Day celebration for a class or party.

Heart Coloring Pages for Kids & Adults

Scroll to view all of our printable heart coloring pages, then click the thumbnail or text link to download and print the PDF.

Easy Hearts | Challenging Hearts

For crafting, check out our free heart templates.

These printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.

Cute Heart Coloring Pages for Kids

These adorable heart coloring pages are simple enough for the kids to enjoy. Let them pick their favorites and then break out the crayons and markers!

Heart Coloring Pages for Adults

We didn’t forget about Mom and Dad. These fancy heart coloring pages are intricate enough to keep the adults busy too. Color them on your own for mindfulness or with the kids for a fun family bonding activity.

Fun Heart Crafts for You and the Kids

Take these heart coloring pages and turn them into fun crafts for you and the kids. Or start from scratch and make your own heart crafts! This is a great way to have a Valentine’s Day party for children or when teachers need to keep the class busy.

Design Your Own Valentine’s Day Cards

The printable heart coloring pages on this page work great as Valentine’s Day cards. Make sure you print your image out on only a quarter of the page so you can fold up your heart coloring page to make it a card. Then color it in and add in a Valentine’s Day quote or message. This personalized card will strike your recipient’s heart like nothing else.

Make a Heart Suncatcher

It might be dark in February, but catch whatever sun you can with an easy heart suncatcher. You’ll need a paper plate to start out. Cut a heart shape into the center of it. You can paint or color in the paper plate at this point. Then add sticky contact paper on the back of the plate, covering the heart hole you cut out. You can put glitter, beads, buttons, and whatever else you like on the front of the heart, on the sticky side of the paper. Then add ribbon or string to hang your suncatcher up somewhere sunny.

Create a Multimedia Heart

You can use any of our heart coloring pages and turn them into fun multimedia arts and crafts projects. You may want to start with a cute heart coloring page or heart outline for this because you’re going to fill it in with sequins, sparkles, buttons, and whatever else you want to add. Grab the glue and get to work! This is a great one for a school arts and crafts class.

Add a Photo of a Loved One

You might want to choose a heart outline for this as well. You can cut it out and put it on a nice firm backing like cardstock. Then add a photo of a loved one right in the center and decorate the heart around them. You could add a ribbon so you can hang this up or a magnet to place it on a refrigerator.

Create Your Own ‘Be Mine’ Candy Hearts

If your kid wants to distribute Valentine’s cards at school, heart coloring pages could be a great place to start. Find a cute heart coloring page with lots of hearts on it so that you can color them and then cut them out. Then add a special message for each of your kid’s friends. Your child will get to distribute Valentine’s hearts that they made themself!

More Heart and Love-Themed Coloring and Crafting

We have even more hearts for you to enjoy, as well as other fun coloring and crafting pages. Check out these fun activities for you and your family.


This printable is for personal, non-commercial use only.



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