How to Make Ribbon Flowers (Roses) the easy way!

I first learned how to make ribbon flowers (roses) when I was a child. Since then, I've tried a number of different ways of making them, but the first way I learned is still the best and easiest, so that's the way I'll show you here.

how to make ribbon roses

Ribbon flowers like these are a great way to add a romantic touch to any gift. Use one in place of a bow on a wrapped present, or tie one around the neck of a wine bottle. You can also make tiny cute ones to put on greeting cards.

Some ways of making ribbon flowers really take quite a bit of skill in order to get a half-decent looking result. This method, on the other hand, can be done by a 6 year old kid. I think I must have been about that age when I learned it, and I was not especially coordinated ;-)

Basically all you do is fold the ribbon in a special back and forth pattern until it's all bundled up. Then you pull on one of the loose ends and the ribbon sort of "magically" arranges itself into a flower shape. It's actually pretty cool to watch.

Video Instructions

Click the image below to play the video..

I love this site! I made the ribbon roses for my wedding and they turned out beautiful. Thank you for all your wonderful ideas!." Val (Canada)

What next?

Now that you know how to make ribbon roses, you might like to try these other projects:

Happy Gifting!


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