Make your own gift box with lid

Make your own gift box - it's quick, easy, and can really dress up a gift!

Follow my video tutorial or picture instructions to make a colourful box with matching lid. These boxes are surprisingly sturdy and are perfect for holding some chocolates or a nice soap.

make your own origami gift box

Image courtesy of Lou aka HausFrau

The real masters of making gift boxes are the Japanese. In fact, the design on this page is based on the traditional "Masu" origami gift box design.

I've modified it a bit, because traditional origami doesn't use any cuts. However, I've tried the making boxes both with and without the cuts, and the version with cuts always comes out neater. So, that's the version I'll show you here.v(If you're an origami purist, and want a design with no cuts, check out the one piece box with built in lid .)

What's special about this box?

  • Perfectly fitting lid - Some of the other instructions out there on the web tell you to make the lid the same way as the base, but from a slightly larger piece of paper. But if you do that, then the lid completely swallows up the base when you close the box, and the box is hard to open! So, I'll show you how to make your own gift box with a perfectly fitting lid, just like the one in the photo at the top of the page.
  • No ugly creases - Your box will look pristine and beautiful, because the folding method shown here means that your box won't have any visible creases on the lid or base :-)
  • Optional divider - I'll also show you how to make an optional divider for your box, which is great if you're using it to hold small food gifts like truffles
    make your own gift box with divider
    Box of truffles showing optional divider
  • Patterned lids - You can sparkle up the design by using two sheets for the lid, with paper cutouts in one of them, to make cute patterned lids.
    make your own gift box

Anyway, on to the instructions. Grab two sheets of paper or card - it's time to make your own gift box!

Video: Make Your Own Gift Box

To make a box 4 x 4 x 2" (10 x 10 x 5 cm), you will need

  • 11.5 x 11.5" (29 x 29 cm) card-stock for base
  • 12 x 12" (30.5 x 30.5 cm) card-stock for lid

You can make the box a different size if you like, but make sure that for the base you always use a sheet about 1/2" smaller than what you use for the lid.

Click arrow to play the video instructions:

If the video keeps stopping and starting (which might happen if you have a slow internet connection), then pause it and come back in a few minutes when it's finished loading. Or, follow my step-by-step photo instructions instead .

Video: Gift Box Divider

Here's a video I found (not mine) that shows how to make the optional internal divider. You should make the divider from the same size of paper that you used to make the box base.

Picture Instructions for Box Base

This design works best with thin card, about the same thickness as a greeting card. In fact, you can even make your own gift boxes out of last year's Christmas cards.

Sizing: If you make your box from a 12 inch square, it will turn out the same size as a tie box, about 4 by 4 by 2 inches.

Make the base from a square piece of paper, with side lengths 1/3 of an inch (1cm) smaller than the piece you use for the lid . But if you use really thick card, then use a square with side lengths 2/3 of an inch (2cm) shorter than the lid-piece.

make your own gift box
Step 1 : Start with a square piece of paper, nice side facing down. Make a small crease in the centre of each side. I like to mark each crease lightly with a pencil too.

make your own gift box
Step 2 : Fold all four corners to the centre, using the creases from the previous step as guides.

make your own gift box
Step 3 : Fold and unfold each side to the centre.

make your own gift box
Step 4 : Unfold everything. You will have the pattern of creases shown here. Cut along the bolded lines.

make your own gift box
Step 5 : Fold top and bottom corners to the centre.

make your own gift box
Step 6 : Fold flaps up along the dotted lines so that they point straight up toward you.

make your own gift box
Step 7 : Fold top and bottom edges so that they point up toward you.

make your own gift box
Step 8 : It should look like this. Now fold the flaps on the left and right into the centre.

make your own gift box
Step 9 : Finished!

Picture Instructions for Box Lid

Remember to use a larger piece of paper for the lid. About 1/3 of a inch larger if you're using thin card, or 2/3 of an inch larger if you're using thick card.

make your own gift box
Step 1 : Follow steps 1 to 3 of the base instructions . Then unfold until your paper looks like this. Finally, fold the top and bottom edges to the centre, as shown by the dotted lines here.

make your own gift box
Step 2 : Fold and unfold along the dotted lines shown here.

make your own gift box
Step 3 : Completely unfold the paper. You will have a pattern of creases like this. Cut along the bolded lines.

make your own gift box
Step 4 : Fold the top and bottom corners to the centre.

make your own gift box
Step 5 : Fold along the dotted lines shown here

make your own gift box
Step 6 : The rest of the folding is the same as step 6 and onward of the base instructions. Fold the flaps up to face you, etc...

make your own gift box
Step 7 : Finished! Here's a picture of the lid and base together.

Card-stock to Make Your Own Gift Box

I found that 12 x 12 inch scrapbooking paper is the perfect size for making these boxes. Usually I buy mine at a scrapbooking store but sometimes I also find some beautiful papers on eBay.

Another option is to make the boxes out of wallpaper, which lets you make a larger box. I came across some beautiful photos on Lorajean's magazine of boxes she'd made from wallpaper.

More Ideas

Now that you know the trick of how to make your own gift box, you can experiment with different papers and ribbons. Use greens and reds for Christmas, pinks and reds for Valentine's Day, red and brown for chocolates, blue and white or other masculine colours if the gift is for a guy... you get the idea. Just have a go and try out different combinations.

Or, have a go at a different box design. You know how to make your own gift box with a detachable lid, so now have a go at making the gift box with built-in lid .

Finally, while you're still in a folding mood, have a go at folding some money origami :-)

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