Making Christmas Decorations
3D Paper Stars and More

making christmas decorations 3d stars header

Welcome to my tutorials for making Christmas decorations! I'll show you how to make 3D paper stars, plus loads other beautiful homemade ornaments like balls, wreaths, snowmen, and bunting.

On this page I'll show you how to make these beautiful paper stars:

Making Christmas Decorations - 3D Paper Stars. Templates and instructions at

They'll look lovely hanging on your Christmas tree or even just brightening your mantlepiece. They're super easy to make, especially when you use my free downloadable templates.

Want to make other decorations?

This page is mostly about 3D stars, but if you're interested in making Christmas decorations of other designs then check out my other Xmas ornament projects:

homemade christmas ornaments Click for Christmas Ornament gallery

3D Christmas Star Instructions

I'll show you how to make a 3D star in two different styles. These ones are single sided:

making christmas decorations 3d stars trio front photo

Single-sided 3D Star Christmas Decorations

making christmas decorations 3d stars trio angle photo

making christmas decorations 3d stars trio stacked

...and this one is double sided:

making christmas decorations 3d stars double sided red

Double-sided 3D Star Christmas Decoration

The single sided ones are great if you're only ever going to see the front side of the star, e.g. for on your mantlepiece, or on your wall, or for embellishing a wreath. The double sided style is great for making decorations that you can hang from your tree or put on top of your tree, where you're likely to see the star from all angles.

Materials for Making Christmas Decorations Stars

To make a paper star, you will need:

  • Scrapbooking paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick (only for double sided stars)
  • Printer, for printing the templates

Making Christmas Decorations - 3D Paper Stars. Templates and instructions at

Single-sided 3D Star Instructions

Step 1: Cut out star

Download the star template. It comes with three sizes of star, which are approximately 8, 6, and 4.5 inches.

3d paper star template

Click to download 3d star template

I printed the template directly onto the back of my scrapbooking paper. You could also just print it onto normal paper and then trace it onto your scrapbooking paper. Either way, cut out your star shape like this:

making christmas decorations 3d star step 1

If you traced the star then you won't have the lines on the back but it doesn't really matter.

Step 2: Folding

Place the star blank side up, then fold one of the arms of the star in half like this. The fold only needs to go to the middle of the star, not all the way across.

making christmas decorations 3d star step 2

Unfold, then repeat for all the other arms of the star.

Step 3: More folding

Place the star patterned side up. Fold in half like this. As before, the fold only needs to go to the middle of the star.

making christmas decorations 3d star step 3

Unfold, then repeat the rest of the way around the star.


Once you've made all these creases, you can mould your star into a 3d shape like this:

making christmas decorations finished one-sided star

Double-Sided 3D Star - Making Christmas Decorations

Step 1

Download the template for the double-sided 3D star. It comes with three sizes of star, which are approximately 8, 6, and 4.5 inches.

double sided 3d paper star template

Download template for double-sided 3D star

You will need to cut out two star shapes. Either print directly onto the back of your scrapbooking paper, or print onto normal paper and then trace onto your scrapbooking paper. Here I'm using the tracing method:

making double sided 3d star christmas decoration step 1

Cut out your stars. You should have two pieces that look something like this:

making double sided 3d star christmas decorations - cut out star shapes

Step 2

Fold in the tab on the side of each arm of the star:

making double sided 3d star christmas decorations - fold in tabs

Do the same on the other star piece.

Step 3

Place the star blank side up. Fold one arm of the star in half. Crease only to the center of the star, not all the way across.

making double sided 3d star christmas decorations - fold arm in half

Unfold, then make the same crease on all the other arms of the star, and all the arms of the other star.

Step 4

Place the star patterned side up. Fold in half like this, so that the fold only goes to the center of the star:

making double sided 3d star christmas decorations - fold in half

Unfold, and repeat the rest of the way around the star, and also on the other star.

Step 5

Unfold the tabs on the arm of each star:

making double sided 3d star christmas decorations - unfold tabs

Put glue on each tab. It helps to work on some scrap paper so you don't get glue on your desk.

making double sided 3d star christmas decorations - glue each tab

Put glue on the other star in the same way.

Step 6

Fold in the tabs on each arm of the star again. Yes, you'll get glue on your fingers. But that's part of the fun, right? The two halves of your star should look something like this:

making double sided 3d star christmas decorations - refold tabs

Put the two halves of the star together.

making double sided 3d star christmas decorations - put halves together

Press them flat to ensure the glue sticks:

making double sided 3d star christmas decorations - put halves together

Step 7

Now for the fun bit - making your star 3D!!!

Gently squeeze the arms of your star to coax it into a 3D shape. Be patient because it takes time for air to suck into the star. Here's a video showing how to do it:


Here's the finished star:

making christmas decorations completed double sided paper star

Here are some other views to give you a sense of how "3D" the star is:

making christmas decorations completed double sided paper star
making christmas decorations completed double sided paper star side view

How did your 3D Christmas star turn out? I hope you had as much fun making Christmas decorations as I did writing this page. If you have any questions or comments, or just want to say hi, please use the comment box below.

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