Newborn Baby Poems

Looking for newborn baby poems as a way to say congratulations to the happy parents?

bible verses about mothers

I have searched the web to collect sweet, cute and heart-felt poems perfect for this very occasion. These little pearls are perfect for popping into a card or album, so I hope you find something you like!

Included on this page are short baby poems , and longer new baby poems . Enjoy!

Short Newborn Baby Poems

The arrival of a newborn baby is such a special occasion, and the new parents will appreciate messages of love and support from friends and family. I've always found that poets have a way of putting into words far better than I can how precious and special the arrival of a new baby is. If you feel the same you might like to put one of these beautiful poems in a new baby card or text message to the new parents.

Adorable Baby

A baby's one thing
the whole world adores,
And the best part of all
Is that this one is yours!
~ Anon.

Love and Treasure

No earthly joys could bring more pleasure.
Than a little child to love and treasure.
~ Anon.

New Baby

To the lucky pair who now will share
The love of someone small,
To the "Someone New" a welcome, too,
And Best Wishes to you All!
~ Anon.

Bundle of Joy

A bundle of joy
to simply adore,
Now who in the world
could ask for more!
~ Anon.

Precious Treasure

A precious treasure to call your own
Bringing love and joy into your home.
~ Anon.

Sweet Baby

May your lovely little (daughter/son)
So very sweet and new
Bring a lifetime full of pleasure
And happiness to you
~ Anon.

Sunshine and Moonbeams

A baby is sunshine and
moonbeams and more.
Brightening your world
as never before.
~ Anon.

Ogden Nash Poem

A bit of talcum
Is always walcum.
~ Ogden Nash

bible verses about mothers

New Baby Poems for Cards

In this section you'll find some longer new baby poems that can be put in a message to mark the arrival of the new baby. From a sweet poem to the new baby, to a gorgeous poem about the blessing that a baby is, we hope you enjoy these verses.

Hello New Baby

Hello there little (fellow/lass)!
The good news is going 'round
That you've made a "happy landing"
And arrived all safe and sound
Well this just comes to tell you
That you're lucky as can be
To become the newest member
Of so nice a family!
~ Anon.

To the Parents

A new little baby
To love beyond measure-
To add to your lives
More joys and more pleasure
And may each new year
Hold for Baby and you
The happy fulfillment
Of dreams that come true
~ Anon.

A Baby is a Blessing

A Baby is a Blessing
A Gift from Heaven above
A Precious Little Angel
To Cherish and to Love.

A wee bit of heaven
drifted down from above-
A handful of happiness,
a heart full of love.

The mystery of life,
so sacred and sweet-
The giver of joy
so deep and complete.

Precious and priceless,
so lovable, too-
The world's sweetest miracle,
baby, is you.
~ Helen Steiner Rice

Free Printable Baby Cards

Beautiful printable baby cards for you to download for free! Say congratulations to a friend, colleague, or family member who has just had a new baby girl or boy with one of our gorgeous free baby cards. They're a lovely way to let the new parents know you're thinking of them!

Free Printable Baby Cards

More Newborn Baby Ideas

I hope you liked these cute newborn baby poems! For more card message ideas, check out our New Baby Wishes & Quotes and Baby Shower Messages. And, if you are looking to make a card to pop a new baby message in, check out this super-cute diaper card tutorial, with a free printable template. Perfect for wishing the new parents all the best with their little bundle of joy!


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