Make an Origami Card: Cute Dress Design
On this page I'll show you how to make this cute origami card with an origami evening dress. It's really quick and easy to make.
I'll also share a couple of other paper dress designs that you can use for making greeting cards, plus other origami folds like hearts, Christmas trees, and stars, which you can also use to make homemade cards.
This origami dress card is great for your girlfriends, sister, or Mom. It's a really versatile design - the way I've made it in this photo is really simple, but you can also embellish the card with borders, jewels or sequins (see further down the page for more examples.)
How to Fold the Origami Dress
Follow the folding instructions at anu-origami or origami-club .
Making your Origami Card
Once you've finished your dress, you can glue it onto a card and embellish as you like! Depends on the occasion really!

Need some inspiration for what to write inside your card? Check out our:
Other Origami Dress Designs
Once you've mastered the origami dress above, you might like to have a go at these other dress designs, with the video instructions below. I found these videos on youtube and I really like these designs. (Although I think the evening dress above is still my favorite.)
Traditional Origami Dress
I'm not sure, but I think this is a more traditional origami dress. It's made from a square piece of paper without any cuts.
Money Origami Dress and Suit
Fold a dress from a single bill of US money! You can also make a matching shirt and pants.

More Origami Card Ideas...
Origami dresses not your thing? Or looking for some other ideas? Check out the pages below for more origami instructions! Just substitute the bills for a piece of pretty paper...
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