How to Fold an Origami Envelope

This is the simplest origami envelope design I've ever come across, and definitely my favorite. The thing I love about it is that it really looks just like a little envelope, don't you think?

origami envelope

Using this fold you can take a letter that you've written (on one side of a sheet of paper) and then fold the letter up so that it becomes the envelope. Pretty neat :-)

Another nice thing about this envelope it is that it's really easy to fold - we learned it when we were children.

You can even make "Christmas cards" using this fold. Just pick some wrapping paper or Christmas scrapbooking paper, write your message on the blank side, and fold it up! Here's a Christmas gift-tag that I made this way, with a matching strip of wrapping paper:

origami envelope gift tag

OK, that's enough in the way of introduction. Let's get on to the actual origami! Grab yourself a piece of paper and you'll learn how to make your own envelope in just a couple of minutes. Here's the video tutorial:

Video Tutorial

How did you go learning how to fold an envelope? If you have any questions or comments, or just want to say hi, you can contact me using this handy form .

What Next?

If you're an origami lover of you just like to wrap things so they look pretty, then you might enjoy taking a peek at these related pages on my site. I hope you enjoy them!

Or check out my page of gift wrapping techniques.


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