Free Printable Penguin Coloring pages for Kids

Last updated: October 17, 2024 by the Homemade Gifts Coloring Team

What’s your favorite Christmas critter? Mine has gotta be penguins. Not only are they adorable, but they’re fascinating as well! These flightless birds waddling around on the ice never fail to grab my interest. Which makes these penguin coloring pages so much fun for me - and perhaps for you too!

Free Printable Penguin Coloring Pages

Penguin coloring pages are a great activity to share with your kids or class in the lead-up to Christmas. No matter how you celebrate, some easy penguin coloring pages for kids can help build that holiday hype. If you want baby penguins, realistic penguins, or just a whole bunch of cute penguins, you can find them here in our collection. Click the section that interests you most, or just keep on scrolling. Then read our holiday crafting tips after the gallery!

Cute Penguin Coloring Pages
Christmas Penguins to Color

These printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.

Cute Penguin Coloring Pages

Let’s cut to the chase here. We want penguins, cute penguins! Here’s our cutest penguin coloring pages for kids and adults alike.

Christmas Penguin Coloring Pages

What would Christmas be without some adorable penguins? That’s no way to celebrate, in my opinion. So here’s our Christmas penguin coloring pages.

Holiday Crafting Tips for Your Penguin Coloring Pages

You can keep the fun going after coloring your penguin coloring pages. Check out our tips for turning your coloring sheets into full-on crafts that can help you prepare for Christmas.

Christmas Penguin Decorations

If you are hosting a gathering for Christmas, or just want your whole home to have that Christmas spirit, you can use your penguin coloring pages to help you decorate. This is a great activity for kids to help out with. And it’s easy too! Let them color whatever penguin coloring pages they like best. Then hang the creations on the fridge, on a tack board in a child’s bedroom, or even in the living room. You can get a simple frame if you want to be fancy, or maybe build a scrapbook with your kids to remember this special bonding activity. They’ll only be this young once.

Easy Penguin Coloring Activity for School or Home

It’s that time of the year. Kids are thinking about presents under the tree instead of their schoolwork. That’s not a problem if you have these penguin coloring pages to work with. Add them to a lesson about spelling (penguin is a tricky word) or another related topic. You could combine this activity with something like a winter word search if you want to lean into the spelling lesson.

These aren’t just great for teachers. A lot of kids are home for the holidays. Make sure they don’t miss out on continuing to learn just because of a holiday break. Parents can color with their children to help reinforce lessons from school.

Penguin Ornaments for the Tree

Making your own Christmas ornaments is a great way to get your kids involved in the holiday decorating preparations. It’ll give them something to do and help them feel like part of the process. They’ll be so proud when they see their very own ornaments hanging on the tree.

There are a lot of ways to make your own DIY Christmas ornaments. But if you want to use penguin coloring pages in particular, it’s super easy. Simply color in your coloring pages, then cut out the parts you want (probably the penguins themselves). You should attach them to cardstock to give a more sturdy backing and punch a hole through them so you can thread ribbon through. Don’t forget to add a layer of something like Mod Podge to seal your artwork and help it last longer.

And you don’t need to stop at penguins. Decorate your tree with your own snowmen, snowflakes, and other winter-themed ornaments with our free winter coloring pages.

Reindeer Coloring Pages

If you're looking for more wintry and Christmassy critters, check out our collection of Reindeer Coloring Pages, including gift-bearing cuties to get you into the holiday spirit!

reindeer coloring pages

More Holiday Coloring Pages

Ready for more holiday fun? We’ve got a ton of holiday coloring pages and activities for you to enjoy with the kids. Check out some of our favorites:

  • Winter Coloring Pages
  • Christmas Word Search
  • Christmas Word Scramble
  • Christmas Coloring Pages
  • Christmas Coloring Pages for Adults
  • Elf Coloring Pages
  • Snowman Coloring Pages
  • Snowflake Coloring Pages
  • Christmas Ornament Coloring Pages
  • Twas the Night Before Christmas Activity Sheets
  • Elf Goodbye Letter
  • Letter to Santa
  • Santa Letter Template
  • ×

    This printable is for personal, non-commercial use only.



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