Personalized Fathers Day Gift
Custom Eye Chart Art

So, you want to make a personalized Fathers Day gift and you want it to be something really cool? Maybe you've had a look at some other diy or personalized gifts and they weren't quite what you were looking for?

Here's a neat gift idea for you. Take a peek at this eye chart and tell me what you see...

DIY Personalized Eye Chart Fathers Day Gift
Anyone can be a Father but it takes a real man to be a Daddy - love you Dad

I think these eye charts make really cool gifts. I love how eye catching they are. When someone first sees it hanging up in your Dad's living room they'll be thinking "why on earth is there an eye chart there?".

Then they'll spend a few seconds making out the message and then they'll say "Oh... I get it... that's really cool! Where did you get that?" at which point your dad will tell them how his devilishly clever daughter (or son) made it for him :-)

You can pick colors for the eye chart and frame that match your Dad's style. Here's how the same eye chart looks like in a black frame. It looks "stronger" somehow.

personalized fathers day gift eye chart in black frame

Fancy having a go at making your own eye chart personalized fathers day gift? I promise you it's really easy, and takes no computer know-how whatsoever. That's because we have a special online eye chart maker that does all the tricky formatting for you...

How do I make my Eye Chart?

To make your eye chart, just use our online eye chart maker. The basic version is free, and if you want to make colored eye charts then it costs just a wee bit.

Click here to use the online eye chart maker (opens in new tab)

What should I write?

The best thing about a personalized Fathers day gift is that *you* come up with a message that's write for your dad.

But I know that can be hard sometimes so here are some Father's day quotes and message ideas to get you started :-)

I've written the messages as captions without any spaces so that they're easy to copy and paste into the eye-chart maker

fathers day eye chart - thank you for being a wonderful father I can see how lucky I am 2 have you

fathers day eye chart - a dad is a sons first hero and daughters first love

fathers day eye chart - thank you for being a wonderful father and always seeing the best in me

fathers day eye chart - You are the best dad in the world!

Printing and Framing

Is my printer good enough?

Probably. Check out my advice on how to get the best quality prints from your home printer on another one of my poster-making pages.

Where do I get a frame like yours?

Try your local photo-printing store. They probably have some nice 8x10 inch frames. Also, make sure you read my advice on how to pick a beautiful frame that makes your poster look like it belongs in a gallery .

What else could I make my Dad instead?

Want to make your dad a really special gift for father's day? Here's how to make a personalized poster of all the things your dad likes...

Click here to generate your personalized "Dad Likes" poster


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