Free Printable Preppy Coloring Pages for Teens and Adults
Last updated: August 30, 2024 by the Homemade Gifts Coloring Team
Argyle, Gingham, Tartan Oh My! I adore the preppy aesthetic. What is the preppy aesthetic you ask? Picture prep schools, Ivy League, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, ballet flats, pearls, tweed, and blazers. These preppy coloring pages really bring me back to my days as a preppy girl in college in the Northeast, full of sorority parties and downtime in my dorm room. I remember relaxing from the stress of exams with cute coloring pages just like these. Check out these easy preppy coloring pages for teens and adults and relax from the stresses of the day!

There are cute animal preppy coloring pages with cool cats and giraffes, as well as featuring food, like yummy ice cream, donuts, or cupcakes - perfect for some coloring downtime for kids. Or go on vacation to the beach with our summer preppy coloring page! Color our retro throwback pages featuring preppy coloring designs like crocs, cowboy boots, or backpacks!
Our preppy printable coloring pages are great for at home or at school. Whether you’re a teacher looking for an extra activity or a parent with a house full of kids for a sleepover, these cute preppy coloring pages are great for the kids – or even the preppy girl inside you!
Cute Preppy Coloring Pages to Print
These coloring sheets are great for teens and adults, but kids can get in on the fun too. Our preppy printable coloring pages are high-resolution letter-sized printable PDFs. To download, simply click on the image or the text-link underneath the image. These printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.

Preppy Aesthetic Color Palette
Color in your free printable coloring sheet with a preppy aesthetic color palette! My favorite color palettes always combine cool and fresh colors, like light pinks and lavenders, with something dark and modern, like navy and teal. The traditional preppy aesthetic can also include colors found in nature - olive green, navy blue, beige, tan, and dark red. Other cute preppy aesthetic color palettes focus on contrasting colors - hot pink with kelly green, purple with orange, or navy with a border or yellow. All of these colors will make your preppy printable coloring pages pop with Y2K fun!
Here are some cute preppy aesthetic color palette combinations to use in your preppy coloring pages!
- Tiffany Blue, YinMin Blue, Melon, Maize
- Persian Pink, Delft Blue, Aquamarine, Yellow
- Mimi Pink, Burnt Sienna, Tropical Indigo, Nyanza
Carnation Pink, Hooker’s Green, Delft Blue, Champagne
- Tropical Indigo, Gunmetal, Melon, Aquamarine
- Indigo Dye, Burnt Sienna, Mint Green, Anti-flash white
- Tea green, Moonstone, Bittersweet, Wine
- Snow, Folly, Turquoise, Prussian Blue
- Pink Pearl, Celestial Blue, Isabelline, Turquoise

What is Preppy Aesthetic
You may love our cute preppy coloring pages but are you still wondering, 'what does preppy aesthetic even mean??' The preppy aesthetic is a throwback to the late 90s and Y2K fashion that is reminiscent of the clothing worn by students in Northeast preparatory schools and universities. Students at preparatory high schools are usually required to wear a uniform consisting of blazers, plaid skirts, ties, or sweaters with school crests. All of these fashion pieces entered mainstream fashion to form the cute preppy aesthetic.
Preppy aesthetic can also mean the way that someone speaks, the vocabulary that they use, their mannerisms, etiquette, or fashion - all associated with an upper-class upbringing. East Coast Prep is associated with the coastal northern United States and has many nautical elements like anchors, whales, compasses, and lighthouses. All reminiscent of summers at the beach or on islands like Nantucket. Southern Prep is associated with brighter colors and bolder prints like zebras, cowboy boots, palm trees, and tropical flowers. Monograms also feature prominently in the preppy aesthetic. Monogrammed towels, notebooks, hats, shirts - all of these make up the cute preppy aesthetic.
How to Become Preppy Aesthetic
Do you want to have a preppy aesthetic? Don’t worry you don’t need to have grown up in Connecticut or pay huge fees to attend a private school. Here are some tips to achieve the preppy aesthetic at home:
Preppy Aesthetic Outfits for Women
Traditional Preppy
- White button-down oxford shirt
- Pleated or plaid short skirt
- Navy blazer with gold buttons
- Kneehigh socks
- Loafers
- Hair half up with a bow
Fall Casual Preppy
- Light-colored straight jeans
- Striped button-down shirt
- Quilted jacket
- Ballet flats or green tall boots
- Pearls
Summer Preppy
- Navy shift dress
- Tweed short jacket
- Ballet flats
Preppy Aesthetic Outfits for Men
Traditional Preppy
- Navy blazer
- White button-down shirt
- Striped tie
- Khaki pants
- Loafers
Fall Casual Preppy
- Navy blue pants
- Green waxed jacket
- White button-down oxford shirt
- Brown leather belt
- Argyle socks
- Loafers
Summer Preppy
- Nantucket Red pants
- Blue Gingham button down shirt
- Belt with anchors on it
- Boat shoes
Coloring Pages for Teens
If you've enjoyed these preppy coloring pages, you might find more that you like in our full collection of Coloring Pages for Teens. From playful mandalas and affirmational quotes, to all things cute and quirky, you're sure to find a coloring sheet just for you!
Find Your Aesthetic
For creatives, an aesthetic can influence everything about your mood and vibe while drawing, crafting, writing, or even decorating your home. It can change your whole tone, opening the door for different kinds of self-expression.
There are so many fun, different aesthetics that it's hard to know where to start. Luckily we've dived in with free printable resources to help you find your aesthetic and craft your own style: