What Does Red and Green Make When Mixed?
Last updated: August 13, 2024 by Courtney
What does red and green make? When blended, red and green make brown! Whether you're working on fine art, crafts, or just playing with paint, mixing red and green can be reauniverselly fun. I know what you're thinking — brown isn't the most exciting color to make and use. But it can be!

Now you know that red and green make brown, you're probably wondering how to create beautiful art with this knowledge. There are so many different shades of brown you can create by mixing red and green. Brown isn't just for tree trunks and dirt paths. Browns can be found in the golden flecks of a loved one's eyes, the tinted pages of an old book, or even the tattered leather chair in your favorite coffee shop. Brown is so much more than we can see. It's representative of a deep feeling of comfort in our souls.
It's true that green and red make brown, indeed, all different kinds of brown. Try it yourself, by creating different mixes of reds and greens to make different types of brown. When you mix that perfect ratio of red and green to make the perfect brown for your project, it's a feeling like no other. Speaking of hues, let's explore how red and green make brown and why.
Blending Red and Green | Troubleshooting Your Brown | Different Hues and Shades of Brown | Brown Aesthetics
How Do Red and Green Make Brown?
So you'd like to know more about how red and green make brown. First, let's learn a little about the color wheel.
Below, you'll find a color wheel showing the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. However, we particularly want to focus on the combination of complementary colors. Complementary colors are colors on opposite sides of the color wheel. For example, if you look at the chart, red and green are opposite one another, as are yellow and purple, and orange and blue. All of these combinations create brown.

However, the reason why red and green make brown is actually a little more complicated. It's about wavelengths! When you mix a primary and a secondary color together, your eye perceives the wavelengths to be brown. However, light complicates things. When you mix red and green lights together, you create yellow light.
Therefore, when we're looking at the color wheel, we can know based on theory that any color that is opposite another will create a shade of brown. However, there are some particular cases, when this shade veers more toward gray or black.
How Did I End Up with Gray or Black?
That's not what you signed up for, I know. Sometimes when we mix colors together, we get gray or black. But how on earth does that happen? When you mix all the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) you end up with a grayscale, which can result in black. But wait, didn't we just learn that red and green make brown? They're complementary colors, right? Yes! However, remember that some of the colors that you use may be comprised of other colors that may result in them cancelling each other out.
How to Mix Red and Green to Make Different Hues and Shades
It's time to experiment! Now that we have a basis for how red and green mix, we can start exploring different hues and shades of brown. The first rule to know is that not all reds and greens are the same! This means that you may not get the same brown every time you mix (especially if you change the red and green you're mixing with). Don't panic! Remember that green is a combination of blue and yellow, which each have their own hues as well.
The best course of action is to pactice, practice, practice. And if that fails, experiment some more. Browns are a difficult beast to tackle when it comes to mixing paint. Some browns have more red than green, or more green than red.

But what should you do if the brown you made isn't quite right? If you're looking to make more of a richer brown, try adding more yellow or red. If you want to make your brown darker, perhaps try blue or black. Of course, if you know that you want a darker brown, you can always start with a darker red and dark green base. Or, if you wish to lighten the brown you've made, you could try adding white. You can always add more red or green depending on the hue you desire. Again, don't be afraid to experiment. Get messy!
The Aesthetics of Brown
We've talked a little about how the color brown is all around us. Think about that perfect glass of iced tea on a hot day. The smooth brown of a wooden dining table. The difference in browns can transport you from a charming farm cottage to post-modern chic. All these hues of browns can really pull you into a different world. And that's what brown does.
Interior Decorating with Brown
If you're decorating your home using brown, it can be overwhelming to consider all the different shades. Just trying to pair different types of wood alone can be a little stressful. Don't panic!

When pairing brown, you may want to look to complementary colors. Brown teak wood can look lovely against a soft teal wall. Otherwise, sou can never go wrong with gold, white, or stronger shades of brown when pairing.
Perhaps you're using brown as an accent color? Don't be afraid to use different shades of brown to accent your space. From khaki to mocha, the sky is the limit!
Branding and Brown
When you think of brown, the words earthy, stable, and reliable might come to mind. Companies often use different shades of brown in their logos to convey these feelings to the customer. For example, khaki screams eco-friendly whereas a rich mahogany makes us think of a cigar lounge or elegance
Using the right shade of brown can make or break your marketing. But remember, it's not just about color, it's about design as well. For example, you wouldn't use comic sans for a horror book. And much like interior design, you'll want to complement the brown you use in your branding. Again, don't be afraid to play around with different shades and complementary colors to achieve branding that pops.
Art and Design with Brown
We talked about interior design with brown, but don't forget you can create your own art to fit your space! Can't find that certain piece that will bring your room together? Grab a canvas and some paint from the local art store and get creative! There's something satisfying about decorating your home with pieces you've made yourself.

To recap: today we've learned all about how red and green make brown. Don't be afraid to mess up or make a mistake. It's just paint on a canvas. If your painting doesn't turn out how you want it to, just try try again. That's the beauty of painting: you can always do it again. We don't get many do-overs in life, so it's refreshing to take advantage of this with art.
Practice Your Deep Brown Tones on Cozy Fall Coloring Pages
Mixing brown from red and green isn't just for fine arts. You can practice making brown with red and green using some of our craft and coloring sheets. Try using crayons, markers, or colored pencils to achieve many of these gorgeously emotional brown tones. These autumn-themed and fall coloring pages are full of fallen leaves and cozy imagery perfect for practicing your brown blends.
What Other Colors Can I Mix?