Snowman Soup Poem & Gift Tags
You're looking for the Snowman Soup Poem, but did you know that there are actually several versions? You'll find all of them on this page, complete with gift tags to download and print.

The snowman soup craft project involves wrapping up hot chocolate mix and marshallows and chocolates into a lovely gift with a poem. It's a great gift idea for children to make and give to their friends or teachers for the holidays.
Click here to go to the Snowman Soup Recipe page and learn how to assemble your gifts!
Our Favourite Snowman Soup Poems
There are several versions of the snowman poem. Here are my favorite 4. The "standard" versions didn't rhyme quite right to my ear so I changed them ever so slightly.
You've Been Good!
Was told you've been real good this year.
Always glad to hear it!
With freezing weather drawing near,
You'll need to warm the spirit...
So here's a little Snowman Soup
Complete with stirring stick.
Add hot water, sip it slow.
It's sure to do the trick!
Snowman Soup for Friends
A little cup of cocoa,
I'm sending 'round your way.
I hope that you'll enjoy it,
On some cold & wintry day!
As you sip this cocoa,
It's warmth will warm your heart,
Just like your friendship warmed up mine,
Right from the very start!
Warm Winter Spirit
When it's so cold
That you holler & whoop,
It's time to make
Some Snowman Soup!
Pour the packet in a mug,
And add marshmallows too,
Then some kisses, which I put there,
'Specially for you!
Add hot water,
Use the cane to stir it.
Sip it slowly,
And feel the warm winter spirit!
Let it Snow!
When the weather outside is frightful,
Snowman Soup can be delightful!
May it warm your spirit & soul,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
When you feel a chill or "burr",
Use the candy cane to stir
Add hot water & sip it slow,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Free Printable Snowman Soup Labels
We hope you've enjoyed these snowman soup poems. Here are some super cute snowman soup labels for you to download and print out to attach to your gifts. They make great classroom gifts for friends or teachers! These printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.