Free Printable Space Coloring Pages for Kids & Adults

Last updated: November 4, 2024 by the Homemade Gifts Coloring Team

I can’t look up at a starry night sky without feeling a healthy dose of awe and fascination. I find myself wondering about what those distant lights are, and what else might populate the unfathomable reaches of space. If you’re anything like me, you love “space stuff.” Maybe you own your own telescope for viewing the heavens, or maybe you keep things simple. Regardless, space lovers of all stripes can enjoy these space coloring pages that bring some of the wonders of outer space into your home.

Free Printable Space Coloring Pages for Kids

Our outer space coloring pages have cute creatures, realistic depictiona of planets, and much more. Choose between our cute, alien, and realistic galleries, or go ahead and scroll through all our space coloring pages and grab your favorites.

Outer Space Coloring Pages

Cute | Aliens | Realistic

These printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.

Cute Space Coloring Pages

These space coloring pages come with an extra dose of cute, whether that’s a puppy astronaut or kawaii style planets and stars. Gather the kids around and color your favorites.

Alien Coloring Pages

What’s outer space without some friendly, cute aliens? Check out this special selection of alien coloring pages within our outer space collection.

Realistic Outer Space Coloring Pages

Do some coloring yourself with these more challenging and realistic outer space coloring pages. They’re great for teens and adults.

Crazy Space Facts You Won’t Believe Are True

Outer space fascinates us because of the many mysteries it holds. Let’s check out some of the many mysteries of outer space. You could impress your kids with these facts while you have fun with your space coloring pages.

So Many Stars

How many stars do you suppose there are? The answer is a lot. If you counted every grain of sand on every beach on Earth, it still wouldn’t match up to the amount of stars out there in space. That’s more than a billion trillion stars!

A Very Short Year

The length of a year can vary from planet to planet, but on Venus, a year is particularly short. It only takes 225 of our Earth days for Venus to get around the sun. However, it takes Venus 243 Earth days to experience one day. Technically, a year on Venus is shorter than a day because of that wacky rotation.

Gain a Couple Inches

If you ever went to space, you’d get taller. It’s true! A lack of gravity allows astronauts to get up to 3% taller (though they do return to their normal height when they return to Earth).

No Walks Allowed

There are some planets where we will never set foot. That’s because they aren’t solid! Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have no solid surface for us to walk on.

Diamond Rain

That’s not the only weird thing about Neptune. It also rains diamonds there! Scientists say it’s because the planet is so hot and pressurized.

Planet Coloring Pages

Haven't gotten enough of outer space? Learn more and color more with our planet coloring pages. There, you'll find plenty of coloring pages depicting the celestial bodies, as well as solar system coloring pages that teach how the planets orbit.

planet coloring pages

More Coloring Sheets

Not done with the outer space fun? When you’re done with our space coloring pages, check out these similar coloring sheets that you might enjoy:


This printable is for personal, non-commercial use only.



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