Magical Unicorn Coloring Pages for Kids & Adults

Last updated: February 20, 2025 by the Homemade Gifts Coloring Team

Unicorn coloring pages bring colorful magic to the everyday world. When you're a child the majesty of unicorns is more than imaginary, it's real to you. And who says we have to leave all the fantasy behind as we get older? From adorable baby unicorns to a grand winged pegasus, use these unicorn coloring pages to bring wonder to your life. 🦄✨

unicorn coloring pages

Explore our unicorn coloring sheets, full of ethereal wings, elegant realistic unicorns, unicorn-themed treats, and inspirational phrases to encourage big dreams and creativity!

🦄 Easy Unicorns
🌈 Kawaii Unicorns
💗 Baby Unicorns
✨ Pegasus Unicorns
💖 Challenging Unicorns

These printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.

Easy Unicorn Coloring Pages for Kids

These unicorn coloring pages are simple for even the littlest kids. Grab your pencils, markers, and perhaps some glitter and glue, and let your imagination gallop into a rainbow of possibilities. 🌈🖍️

Kawaii Unicorn Coloring Pages

Do you love the kawaii art style? The big eyes, happy smiles, and overall cuteness? Dive into these kawaii unicorn coloring pages, featuring donuts, caticorns, and even a narwhal sighting.

Baby Unicorn Coloring Pages

What's cuter than a unicorn? Only a baby unicorn! These baby unicorn coloring pages are full of fun and magic.

Pegasus Unicorn Coloring Pages

The mighty pegasus is not just a unicorn - it’s a unicorn with wings! Let’s celebrate pegasi with these unicorn coloring pages.

Unicorn Coloring Pages for Adults

There's no need to ever grow out of drawing and coloring unicorns! These beautiful unicorn designs, with their flowing manes and intricate flowers, are a bit more complex, making them more appropriate for adults and older kids.

Using Your Unicorn Coloring Pages

Why let the fun stop there? You can do more with your creations than simply color them in. Make a whole craft day out of these unicorn coloring pages with these fun suggestions.

Make a Mobile of Flying Unicorns

Some of our unicorn coloring pages include pegasi soaring through the air. You can use those to make a fun mobile of unicorns flying through the sky.

After coloring your pegasus unicorn coloring pages, cut out your pegasi. Glue or tape each to a string. You can attach the strings to something strong but flexible such as craft wire or even a spare hanger you have in the house. Some people even use straws and paper clips to build their mobiles. It can be as fancy or as simple as you want!

Learn About Color Mixing

Are you worried that your kids might lose some of their learning during summer vacation? These unicorn coloring pages can be a fun and sneaky way to get in a bit of learning even when school’s out. For example, you could use coloring as a way to talk to your kids about color mixing and complementary colors.

Unicorn coloring pages are actually a great way to learn about mixing and matching different colors. These fun, magical creatures allow your kids to throw together any colors they want. They could test out what red and blue make, or mix green and pink to see what happens. There’s no limit. Let them run wild and learn about how different colors interact!

Create a Magical Scene

Do your kids have a favorite scene from a book or movie about unicorns? They could use our unicorn coloring pages to recreate it on their own!

Get an old shoebox to use as the “set.” Then color and cut out pieces of the unicorn coloring pages above. Kids can glue and tape them within the box to bring their favorite magical scenes to life.

Make Up Your Own Story

Why not take the above to the next level? Encourage your kids to let their imaginations run wild and create their own unicorn themed story from scratch. This encourages logical thinking and creativity in kids. It’s a great way to encourage them to learn while they have no idea they’re learning. For them, it’ll simply be a fun day coloring in unicorn coloring pages. But secretly they’ll be enriching their minds while they do it!

More Free Printable Coloring Pages

If you're looking for more fabulous coloring pages, do take a look at our full collection of over 3,000 coloring sheets here. We think you'll particularly enjoy these coloring page collections:

Kawaii Coloring Sheets
Donut Coloring Pages
Rainbow Coloring
Coloring Pages for Girls
Horse Coloring Pages
Fairy Coloring Pages
Mermaid Coloring Pages
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Preppy Coloring Pages
Hearts Coloring Pages
Flower Coloring Pages
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Cute Coloring Pages for Kids


This printable is for personal, non-commercial use only.



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