Wedding Anniversary Poems and Verses

Last Updated: September 23, 2022

Romantic wedding anniversary poems and quotes to help you express your love on such a special occasion.

An anniversary gives you the opportunity to reflect on your relationship, thank your partner for their love and support, and celebrate the wonderful moments and experiences you share together.

But sometimes it's hard to put our feelings into words! So here are some beautiful wedding anniversary poems and verses to help.

Our collection includes...

I've categorised the poems into groups so you can find what you're looking for. Whether it's a short poem or verse to put in a card, or a longer poem to put in an anniversary invitation or speech, we hope you find something you like here for your husband or wife.

Short Verses for Cards

Short Wedding Anniversary Poems

Longer Wedding Anniversary Poems

Click here to go to our collection of free printable anniversary cards.

Short Anniversary Verses for Cards

These adorable little verses are a lovely addition to any anniversary card, or as a note with a bunch of flowers.

Best Friend for Life

Love brought you together
As husband and wife
And gave each of you
A best friend for life
~ Anon

Today's a Special Day

Today's a very special day
Reserved for just you two
Here's wishing you rich happiness
Today, and all year through!
~ Anon

Such a Happy Life

With lots of loving thoughts,
Of everything you've done,
To make our life together,
Such a happy one.
~ Anon

Being Loved By You

You are all that I have longed for
You have made my dreams come true.
There is no greater gift to have
Than being loved by you.
~ Anon

Perfect Pairs

You are the *coca* to my *cola*
You are the *race* to my *car*
You are the *macaroni* to my *cheese*
You are the *Wal* to my *Mart*
but most of all....
You are the *keys* to my *heart*
~ Anon.

(Ok, I know that is a bit corny, but it is kind of cute too, and sure to appeal to some guys!)

Short Wedding Anniversary Poems

Some short poems to help you express your love and gratitude on your anniversary. Beautifully romantic and perfect for writing in a card.

I Love You Not Only For What You Are

I love you not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I am with you.
I love you not only for what you have made of yourself,
but for what you are making of me.
I love you for the part of me that you bring out.
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Bedouin Song

I love thee, I love but thee
With a love that shall not die
'Till the sun grows cold
And the stars grow old.
~ Bayard Taylor

Hamlet to Ophelia

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.
~ William Shakespeare

The Sea Hath Its Pearls

The sea hath its pearls
The heaven hath its stars
But my heart, my heart
Has its love.
~ Heinrich Heine
(translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

I Asked God For A Flower

I asked God for a flower,
he gave me a bouquet
I asked God for a minute,
he gave me a day
I asked God for true love,
he gave me that too
I asked for an angel and
he gave me you.
~ Anon.

Love Poem

If kisses were the water
I would give you the sea,
If hugs were the leaves
I would give you a tree,
But if love was time,
I would give you eternity.
~ Anon.

Long Wedding Anniversary Poems

I love these longer poems, they are so romantic and beautifully composed, and make a lovely addition to an anniversary toast or written in a romantic anniversary card message.

How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43)

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day? (Sonnet 18)

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
~ William Shakespeare

Free Printable Anniversary Cards

Check out our sweet collection of printable anniversary cards to give to your husband, wife, or partner, and let them know how special they truly are! There are also some lovely card designs to celebrate your parents' or a friend's anniversary too.

printable anniversary cards

More Anniversary Ideas

We hope you enjoyed our collection of Happy Anniversary poems!

For more romantic, sweet, beautiful, and funny anniversary wishes and quotes inspiration, do take a look at these other articles:

We also have wedding anniversary gift ideas for celebrating those important anniversary milestones!

If you're looking for an anniversary gift idea, do check out our personalizable posters, where you can create a special anniversary gift for the special person in your life. Or our personalized love coupons, for a gift which keeps on giving!


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