Free Winter Coloring Pages for Kids & Adults

Last updated: February 20, 2025 by the Homemade Gifts Coloring Team

Free Winter Coloring Pages to Download

Among our winter coloring sheets, you'll find snow fun and winter sports, cozy cabins, and cute animals. From pre-schoolers to teens and adults, we have winter coloring pages printables for everyone!

☕ Cute Winter Scenes
🐧 Winter Animals
☃️ Fun in the Snow!
❄️ Winter Coloring for Adults

To download your free winter coloring pages printables, click on the image or the text-link. These winter coloring pages printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.

Winter Coloring Pages

Cute Winter Coloring Pages

These winter coloring pages span all categories, but they do have one thing in common: being unbearably cute. Find our cutest winter coloring sheets right here.

Winter Animals Coloring Pages

We had to make a category specifically for our favorite winter critters. These cute creatures will warm up even the coldest winter day.

Snow Fun Winter Coloring Pages

What would winter be without snowmen, sledding, ice skating, snowball fights, and all the other fun you can have in the snow? I loved building snowmen as a kid, and hopefully, your kids will love coloring them in via these fun winter snow coloring pages.

Winter Coloring Pages for Adults

Mom and Dad, don’t worry. We didn’t forget about you. These adult winter coloring pages are fun for older kids and adults.

Winter Crafts to Enjoy With the Whole Family

We aren’t done yet. Free winter coloring pages are just the start of the fun you can have when cold weather traps you indoors. We have a bunch more crafts you can enjoy no matter how yucky the weather is.

Make Pinecone Angels

If you live in an area where pinecones litter the ground come wintertime, you can turn them into angels. All this requires is a little bit of paper, glue, and paint. Simply cut the wings out from paper and glue them onto the pinecone. Then, if you want to get fancy, you can paint on a face, a dress, and other details. You may want to cut out the wings for your little ones to make it easier for them. If you hot glue a loop of ribbon to the top, you can even hang these up as decorations.

Cut Out Paper Snowflakes

You will need some kind of paper, plain or not. Then you can use our paper snowflakes tutorials and templates to fold the paper and cut out a fancy paper snowflake. Stick these on the refrigerator or hang them around the house to celebrate winter holidays. You can even staple several together in a circle for a homemade snowflake wreath.

Design Your Own Holiday Cards

The free winter coloring pages on this page are definitely a great starting point for this craft. Winter is a time when a lot of us are constantly sending out cards. Maybe it’s a thank you to a teacher or a holiday card for a friend or relative. Whatever the case, you can use a winter coloring page printable as a starting point. Simply print the coloring page on a quarter of the page (rather than the entire page), then fold the paper to make a card. Let the kids color these in. That personal touch will go such a long way toward warming the heart of your card recipient.

Make Yourself Some Handprint Penguins

Handprint animals aren’t just for turkeys on Thanksgiving. You can use the very same technique to make handprint penguins, and it’s just as easy and adorable. Simply trace your kids’ hands and cut them out. These will be “upside down” compared to handprint turkeys. That means the eyes and beak are near the wrist, with the belly on the palm and the fingers serving as legs.

Turn a Mason Jar into a Snow Globe

If you have mason jars at home, you can turn them into quick and easy snow globes - though you may not want to shake these too hard. Build your snowglobe diorama on the inside of the lid. Maybe you want to use some batting as snow or little toys like Legos for the set pieces. There are also plenty of little bits and bobs you can find at craft stores that would work well here, from tiny wooden snowmen to Santas riding their sleighs. Put the jar back on the lib, but leave it all upside down. You could display these on a mantle for a bit of winter flare.

More Winter and Holiday Coloring Pages

If you're looking for more coloring pages for the cold winter months, check out our massive collection of Christmas-themed coloring sheets!

Christmas Coloring Pages
Christmas Coloring Pages for Adults
Santa Coloring Pages
Free Printable Letter to Santa
Snowman Coloring Pages
Snowman Templates
Paper Snowflake Templates
Christmas Ornaments Coloring Pages
Christmas Tree Coloring Pages
Christmas Tree Templates
Snowflake Coloring Pages
Winter Coloring Pages
Winter Word Searches
Star Templates
Gingerbread Man Templates
Penguin Coloring Pages Reindeer Coloring Pages
Elf Coloring Pages
Christmas Stocking Coloring Pages
Candy Coloring Pages
Christmas Color By Number
Christmas Word Search
Christmas Word Scrambles
New Year Coloring Pages

And for more seasonal coloring pages, you might like these other pages:

Or if you're looking for a different activity to entertain your kids, check out our Winter Word Search.


This printable is for personal, non-commercial use only.



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