110 Funny Winter Jokes for Kids
Last Updated: January 14, 2025 by Katie
As the temperature drops and the snow starts to fall, I love to tell my kids winter jokes while they run around, building snowmen, having snowball fights, and just enjoying the winter wonderland. There's something magical about this time of year—especially when we’re all snuggled up inside, sipping hot cocoa with extra marshmallows. But let’s be honest, even when we’re all cozy, it’s hard to keep the little ones entertained for long. That’s where these winter jokes come in!

Here are 110 of my best winter jokes for kids that are snow good, your kids will warm themselves up with laughter! Whether we're braving the cold outside or staying warm by the fireplace, these jokes are always a hit. From penguin puns to silly knock-knock jokes, they never fail to get a good laugh. It’s like a little dose of sunshine on the chilliest days. And, if we're all being honest, I think even the grumpiest snowman would crack a smile with a few of these!
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Our best funny winter jokes for kids are available as a printable pdf. Click here for the download along with our tips for how to use these winter jokes!

Funny Winter Jokes for Kids
Get ready to add a sprinkle of fun to the frosty season with our handpicked selection of the BEST funny winter jokes for kids. These jokes are snow much fun, they'll have your little ones giggling all winter long!
What is the name of Jack Frost's favorite aunty? Aunt Arctica
What does December have that no other month has? The letter D.
Where does a Yeti surf the web? On the Winter-net.
What's the currency of the North Pole? Cold, hard cash!
What do healthy yetis eat? Iceberg lettuce.
Why did the hipster keep his vinyl collection outside in the winter? He only liked to listen to cool music.
What do you call an igloo with no bathroom? An Ig.
What do you call a very strong winter monster with a six-pack? Abdominal snowman.
What do you call a photo taken at the North Pole? A polar-oid.
What's the most popular breakfast in winter? Frosted Flakes!
What's a Yeti's favorite rapper? Ice-T.
What can you easily catch in the winter even with your eyes closed? A cold.
What does Jack Frost eat for his breakfast? Frosties.
What did the Swiss skier shout when he fell down a mountain? Alp!
What is a winter ghost called? Casp-brrrrrrr.
Why didn't the abominable snowman go to the party? He had snow-one to go with.
How do you stay warm in the house in the winter? Go to the corner; it’s always 90 degrees!
What did the wool hat say to the scarf? You hang around while I go on ahead.
What do trees say after a very long winter? That's a re-leaf.
Why did Elsa fall off her sleigh? She let it go.
What kind of Mexican food is most popular at the North Pole? Brrrr-itos!
Why do winter socks never like to make plans?
They’re afraid of getting cold feet.
What do you call a skeleton that goes out in the cold? A numb-skull

Snow Jokes for Kids
Whether you're bundled up inside or playing in the snow, these frosty jokes are sure to warm up your day. So, grab your mittens and get ready for some snow-tastic fun!
How did the snow globe feel after the winter storm? A little shaken.
What do you call a slow skier? A SLOPE-poke.
What falls in winter but never gets hurt? Snow.
Who's at the door? Snow-body.
Why are winter days so great? They are snow much fun!
What did the icy road say to the sports car? Want to go for a spin?
Why did the girl keep her saxophone in the snow? She wanted to play cool jazz music.
What did one snowflake say to the other snowflake? You're one of a kind.
Did you hear about the man stuck in a snowstorm? He was feeling under the weather.
Why should you never owe Santa money? He snows where you live.
What kind of robots live at the North Pole? Snow-bots.
Did you hear about the kid who was hit with a snowball? He was knocked out cold.
How does a mountain stay warm? Snowcaps.
Which ball never bounces? A snowball.
What's cold, white, and goes up? A very confused snowflake.
Why did the Yeti wear one boot? The weather forecast had a 50% chance of snow.
What’s a snowflakes favorite game? Freeze Tag!

Knock Knock Winter Jokes for Kids
These classic knock-knock jokes are perfect for unleashing on your friends and family during a winter gathering.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Ben! Ben who? Ben waiting for winter all year!
Knock, knock. Who's there? Snow. Snow who? Snowbody home.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Icy. Icy who? Icy you.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Snow. Snow who? Snow real way of knowing.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Ivan. Ivan who? Ivan terrible cold.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Scold. Scold who? 'Scold outside!
Knock, knock. Who's there? Icy. Icy who? Icy a big snowstorm coming!
Knock, knock. Who's there? Snow. Snow who? Snow way I'm telling you.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Atch! Atch who? Bless you.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Emma. Emma who? Emma cold standing outside.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Snow. Snow who? Snow use, I can't remember.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Holly. Holly who? Holly up, it's cold out here.

Winter Animal Jokes for Kids
From penguins and reindeer to polar bears and huskies - these winter animal jokes are perfect to make your kids, students and parents laugh!
Why did the bear keep losing his job? He always disappeared in winter.
Why didn't the penguin fly? It's not tall enough to be a pilot.
Why did the polar bear cross the road? Because chickens don't live in the Arctic.
What do you call a naughty penguin stealing calamari? A squid-napper.
What's a reindeer's favorite coffee shop? Starbucks.
Why are polar bears so itchy? They have antarc-ticks.
What do polar bears call seals riding a skateboard? Meals on Wheels.
What do you call a group of penguins in the desert? Very lost.
What do you call a polar bear with no ears? Anything you like.
Why do Arctic foxes have winter coats? Because they'd look so silly in sweaters.
What do you call a reindeer with no eyes? No eye deer.
What do you call a reindeer with no eyes, not moving? Still no eye deer.
What happens when a moose feels cold? They get moose bumps!
What do you put over a baby reindeer's crib? A snow-mobile.
Why do penguins like to swim in saltwater? Because pepper makes them sneeze.
Where does an Arctic fox sleep during winter? By the fur-nace.
Why don't polar bears live in groups? They like to ice-olate themselves.
What's a husky's favorite time at school? Snow-and-tell.
What is a penguin's favorite food? Ice cream.
What do you call a group of Arctic hares hopping backward? A receding hare line.
What did the seal say to the penguin? Nothing, seals can't talk.

Snowman Jokes for Kids
These corny snowman jokes are just perfect for kids (and adults) of all ages. Whether you're seven or ninety-seven these jokes are bound to give you a laugh or two. Let’s roll with the laughs and melt away the winter blues with some snowman humor!
What was the snowman doing in the vegetable store? Picking his nose.
What do you call little snowmen? Chill-dren.
Where do snowmen like to eat? At an iceberg-er joint.
What are Frosty's parents called? Mom and Pop-sicle.
What do you call it when a snowman has a tantrum? A meltdown.
What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Ice Krispies.
How do you protect yourself against angry snowmen? With a hairdryer.
What are snowmen most concerned about? Global warming.
How does a Snowman travel? By riding an icicle.
What did the little Snowman want to do when he grew up? Be in snow-business.
How does a snowman get to work? By icicle.
What did the snowman do when he was mad at his friend? He gave him the cold shoulder.
Where do snowmen save their money? Snowbanks.
What do you call a snowman on roller skates? A snowmobile.
What did the police officer say to the snowman robbing a bank? Freeze!
Where do snowmen dance? At the snow-ball.
What is a snowman's favorite drink? Ice tea.
What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite.
What do you call a snowman in summer? A puddle.
Did you hear about the snowman who turned into a spy? He has a license to chill.
Did you hear about the very rude snowman? He didn't even carrot all.
Why can't you ever trust a snowman? They're flakes.
How do you decorate a snowman's birthday cake? With lots of icing.
How do you help your friend make a snowman? Just roll with it.
What do you call a snowman on a hot day? Water.
How do you make a snowman's bed? With fresh sheets of ice and a thick blanket of snow.
Why do snowmen get invited to parties? They're great at breaking the ice.
How does a snowman say he's serious? Snow joke.
What do you call a snowman's pet poodle? A slush-puppy.
Why isn't Frosty ever late? Time waits for snow-man.
What do you sing on a snowman's birthday? Freeze a jolly good fellow.
What's a snowman's favorite condiment? Chilly sauce.
How do you build a snow house? Igloo it together.
What happens when the snowman can't see? The snowman rubs his ice!
Why did the snowman call his dog Frost? Because Frost bites!
What do snowmen like to do on the weekend? Chill out.
What do snowmen wear on their heads? Ice caps!

How to Use Winter Jokes for Kids
First download your winter jokes printables!
Looking for some ideas as to how to employ these winter jokes for your kids this winter? Here are some great ideas as to how to use these jokes in the classroom, at home or as part of a craft when it gets too cold to spend the day outside!
- Cut out one of our printable winter jokes for kids pdf and add them to id’s lunchbox. This is a great way for your child to know that you are thinking about them all day!
- Trying to get your kids to clean their room? Use a joke as a reward for doing chores around the house. Cut out the jokes and place them in a box. After your child completes their chore, they pick one out of the box and tell it to the family!
- Do you need a snowy day art project or craft? Use these winter jokes for kids as a theme for a drawing project. Each child chooses a joke and draws a picture related to it. A great way to spend some time when the temperatures dip below freezing!
More Winter Fun for Kids
If you enjoyed these winter jokes for kids and are looking for more fun and games to keep the young ones entertained during the frosty season, here are some pages they might love:
Christmas Jokes
Snow Puns
Funny Christmas Poems
Winter Coloring Pages
Winter Word Searches
Paper Snowflake Templates
Letter to Santa Template
Christmas Coloring Pages
Christmas Color By Number
Christmas Word Scramble
Christmas Word Search
And if you ever need a laugh during other times of the year after enjoying our winter jokes, check out our:
Halloween Jokes
Spider Puns
Skeleton Puns
Thanksgiving Jokes