Funny 40th Birthday Gag Gifts

Looking for some great ideas for funny 40th birthday gag gifts?

Forty is a weird in-between sort of age. Not really old, not really young. As one person put it: "I'm not old, I'm just chronologically gifted ".

So, what's the best gift you can give someone when they turn 40? A good laugh! Here are some of my favourite ideas for 40th birthday gag gifts and 40th birthday humor.

Last updated: September 1, 2022

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40th Birthday "Year Born" Poster

Make a personalized poster to celebrate the momentous occasion of their 40th birthday! And reminisce over how times have changed since their youth.

Click here to personalize and print your poster

Everyone thought this was really cool and asked me how I made it!'' Rachel, Idaho

We've researched all the interesting and funny facts from the year they were born, and our poster maker formats it all beautifully for you. You can personalize the poster with their name, choose your color palette, and add anything else you want about them.

Click here to personalize and print your poster

Funny 40th Birthday Survival Kit

This hilarious survival kit idea was shared by Christine K from Torrance, CA. Thanks Christine!

"I just went to a 40th Birthday party. These are the items I wrapped individually in black paper then put in a black bag. Most of these items I bought at the Dollar Tree and 99 cent store."

Funny 40th Birthday Safety Signs

We all know that 40 is a dangerous age, and now at least you can warn people with one of these handy printable signs :-)

Click here for more funny 40th birthday signs

Funny 40th Birthday Gag Gifts - Badges

Make a badge that your 40 year old friend will be proud to wear. You can buy badge-making kits at your local craft store. Or, just make a sign that can be attached with a safety pin, or attach some string so that it can hang around their neck.

Here are some ideas for things to write on the badge:

  • 40? No, 39, and holding on for dear life.
  • 40: Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it anyway.
  • It took me 40 years to look this good.
  • I'm not 40. I'm only $39.95 plus tax.
  • I'm not 40, I'm 18, with 22 years of experience.
  • "Better Over the Hill than Under It"
  • Sign: "Welcome to Over the HillVille. Land of Milk of Magnesia"
  • I'm not over the hill. I'm simply too old to climb it.
  • I'm not old. I'm just chronologically gifted.
  • 40!!?? I demand a recount!
  • I'm 40 and I feel great. Here, feel for yourself!
  • I don't have hot flashes. I have power surges.
  • Hot Flash Party Zone

Funny 40th Birthday Gag Gifts - Garden Chimes

Visit your local hardware store and buy some metal door numbers. Fours and zeroes. String them in a line from a piece of wood. Now, every time the wind blows a gentle tinkling noise will remind them of their age ;-)

Funny 40th Birthday Gag Gifts - Midlife Medications

These midlife medications are a fab idea. I've seen variations a few places on the web, but I don't know who is the original source.

Put some M&Ms in a "pill bottle" and include these directions for use:

BROWN pill
Take one to temporarily calm your chocolate cravings
RED pill
To be take at the first sign of hot flashes
As a treatment for depression
GREEN pill
To calm you down when if feel frustrated
To cure headaches
BLUE pill
Reduces bloating

Now that you're turning 40, it's possible that you'll experience all these symptoms simultaneously, in which case you should just EAT THEM ALL AT ONCE!

40th Birthday Gag Gifts - Forty Sucks!

If the person turning 40 has a sweet tooth, buy them 40 lollipops or gobstoppers, wrap them up nicely and label your gift with "Forty Sucks"!

So silly!

Funny 40th Birthday Gag Gift - Memory Aid

As we age many people find that their memory just isn't what it used to be. Why not give a really practical gift, and make a memory aid for your aging friend? Get a roll of toilet paper and write on it with a marker pen:

Note to Self:

Wrap up the pen and toilet roll, and add a little not saying

"As you get older your memory deteriorates, so I bought you this helpful memory note pad"

Funny 40th Birthday Gag Gifts - Anti-Aging Pills

Put some jelly beans in a pill-jar and add these instructions.

Instructions: "Under normal circumstances, take one tablet per day. In emergencies like yours, eat them all at once!"

40th Birthday Gag Gifts - 40 candles, and a bucket of water!

Putting candles on your cake is something people grow out of. But they say that old age is like returning to infancy, so why not revive the tradition? Put 40 candles on their cake! When they've recovered from their astonishment, you can tell them:

"Don't count. Just enjoy the glow."

You could also hand the person a little plastic bucket filled with water (or a fire extinguisher)...

"You might be needing this to help put out your candles this year!"

Funny 40th Birthday Gag Gifts - "Viagra" Pills

Pack up some blue jelly beans and label them as Viagra.

You might like to include a note: "I couldn't get a prescription for Viagra, so I had to steal some from the distribution depot. By accepting these pills from me, you're on your way to becoming a hardened criminal."

By the way, did you hear that some nursing homes have started giving Viagra to their male patients? It stops them rolling out of bed....

Funny 40th Birthday Quotes

Here are some funny 40th Birthday sayings to accompany your 40th Birthday Gag Gifts. These little quotes make great birthday card messages.

You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime - John Grier

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional - Chili Davis

Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live! - Anon

Age is like underwear. It creeps up on you - Anon

Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs. - Anon

You're over the hill and far away but we still love you anyway - Anon

Forty's not that old... if you're a tree. - Anon

Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional. - Anon

When you're over the hill, you pick up speed. - Anon

The tragedy of getting old: So many candles... so little cake - Anon

Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake. - Anon

If you're looking for more inspiration, check out these other pages:

40th birthday sayings and messages
40th Birthday Jokes
100+ of the Best Happy Birthday Wishes

More 40th Birthday Message Ideas

Looking for something more to write in a 40th Birthday Card? Why not reflect on what was happening in the year of their birth... back in the good 'ol days of 1983. These facts are summarised from The People History and Wikipedia .

Interesting facts from 1983:

  • Return of the Jedi was the top grossing film
  • NASA astronaut Sally K. Ride became the first American Woman in space
  • Cell phones were introduced to the world by Motorola
  • Fraggle Rock Aired on HBO for the first time
  • The Internet was invented
  • Every Breath You Take by The Police topped the charts
  • Mario Brothers first released as a Nintendo Arcade game in Japan

To make a really neat gift, turn some facts from their birth year into a poster-gift like this:

personalized poster 40th birthday gift

Click here to personalize and print your poster

More 40th birthday gag gift ideas...

I hope you enjoyed our collection of funny 40th birthday gag gift ideas and silly pranks. Here are some other pages we think you'll enjoy:

And do check out our 40th Birthday Ideas page for fabulous party ideas for him or her, and thoughtful gift ideas that they're sure to love!


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