Funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts
Funny 50th birthday gag gifts and pranks to help celebrate this significant occasion with a dash of humor.
A 50th birthday is a big event for most people, and it can be hard to think of an appropriate birthday gift. Why not give the gift of a few laughs? We all work too hard and take ourselves too seriously most days anyway!
To get you started, here are some of my favourite ideas for funny 50th birthday gag gifts, along with 50th birthday quotes and sayings that you could write in an accompanying card.
Last updated: January 27, 2022
50th Birthday "Year Born" Poster
Make a personalized poster to celebrate the momentous occasion of their 50th birthday! And reminisce over how times have changed since their youth.
- Choose a color scheme to suit their style
- Personalize the name of the person born that year
- Use our suggested text, or customize it as much as you like
- Download as many variants as you like (at no extra cost) so you don't need to worry about making a mistake
Click here to personalize and print your poster
We've researched all the interesting and funny facts from the year they were born, and our poster maker formats it all beautifully for you. You can personalize the poster with their name, choose your color palette, and add anything else you want about them.
Click here to personalize and print your poster
"Definition of 50" Funny Poster
Give the birthday boy or gal a good chuckle with a funny definition poster. Customize with their name and your definitions of what it might mean to be fifty.
Here's a close-up of the wording (which you can customise as much as you like):
Click here to personalize and print your poster
I love this definition poster, the colors are beautiful and it formats so nicely. You can choose different colors and change the wording to be as silly or endearing as you like.
Click here to personalize and print your definition poster.
Funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts - Hot Flash Survival Kit

For a woman turning 50, hot flashes could be imminent! Put together this handy hot flash survival kit:
- Hand held fan
- Ice packs
- Pocket handkerchief (for wiping your brow)
- Change of t-shirt
- Warning sign (download full-size image file to print). "Warning. Menopausal woman. May hot flash or spontaneously combust at any moment."
- Emergency medication (chocolate or M&MS)
Funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts - Printable Certificate
"If things get better with age, then you're approaching magnificent! Congratulations on your 50th Birthday"
Make a "Certified Oldie Award" using our free online certificate template, and award it to them on their birthday!. You can customize the text as much as you like.

- FREE to use as many times as you like
- Personalize their name
- Use our pre-filled text or customize as much as you like
- Download and print out at home
- Lots of funny certificate ideas provided
Click here to make a certificate.
Funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts - Gag Gift Basket
Some people think they are really old when they turn 50. They're not really...not these days anyway!
But, if you know someone who is complaining about getting old and turning 50, why not put together a gift basket will all those essential items for old age :
- Prune juice (why not also pop in an accompanying sherry or champagne glass?)
- Arthritis rub
- Paracetamol
- Depends undergarments
- Denture cleaning products
- A hand-held fan (for all the hot flushes)
- Magnifying glass
- Crossword puzzle book
- A bag of marbles...for when you lose yours!
- Paperclips...because sometimes it's hard to hold it all together as you get older!
- "anti-wrinkle cream" could buy some crack filler from the hardware store and re-label it as an anti-wrinkle remedy
These ideas are just the start....I am sure there are many more funny items you can add to your basket, just so they're really prepared for what awaits them over the hill!
Funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts - Printable Warning Signs
Are looking for something to silly to spice up the decor at a 50th birthday party? One of our silly 50th birthday warning signs could be just the thing.
Sign texts:
- Caution: 50 year old. May make sudden, desperate attempts to appear sexy, youthful, and important
- Warning: Menopausal woman. May hot flash or spontaneously combust at any moment
- Caution: 50. It's all downhill from here.
- Warning: Over the hill and picking up speed
- Caution: Old Age Ahead
- Warning: Old age is like underwear, it creeps up on you
- Caution: Wrinkles ahead
Click here for more funny 50th birthday safety signs
Funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts - Garden Chimes
My mother bought a bunch of door numbers from the local hardware store and made a garden chime for my Aunt's 50th birthday present.
She bought just 5's and 0's, and strung them up in a line off a piece of wood. Very silly, and we all had a good laugh!
Funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts - Fifty Sucks!
If the person turning 50 has a sweet tooth, why not buy them 50 lollipops or other types of lollies, wrap them up nicely and label your gift with "Fifty Sucks!" .
So silly, and yet so funny...
50th Birthday Gag Gifts - Fifty Rocks!
For some people, turning 50 is great! So, count out 50 rocks and wrap them up nicely, and label your gift with "50 Rocks!"
My husband thought of this one, so you can blame him for the awful pun ;-)
Funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts - Anti-Aging Pills
We all know that the clock can't be turned back, but it's fun to pretend. And let's be honest, if there was a pill we could take then most of us would take it!
To make your anti-aging pills, put some jelly beans or other sweets in a pill-jar, and add these instructions.
Instructions: "Under normal circumstances, take one tablet per day. In emergencies like yours, eat them all at once."
Funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts - Badges
Make a badge that your 50 year old friend will be proud to wear. You can buy badge-making kits at your local craft store, or just make a sign that can be attached with a safety pin.
Here are some ideas for things to write on the badge:
- I'm not 50. I'm 18, with 32 years of experience!
- I'm not 50. I'm only $49.95, plus tax!
- In dog years, I'd be dead.
- Recycled Teenager
Looks 21
Feels 18
Acts 11
That makes me 50!
Funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts - In Case of Emergency (I.C.E.) Tag
As you know, people can become forgetful as they age. So, you might like to give the birthday boy/girl an emergency tag in case they get lost. They'll be sure to appreciate your thoughtful gesture.
The message might be something like "In Case of Emergency: If you find me looking lost and confused, please return me to Greenfields Nursing Home, 21 Woodgrow St, Springvale, Ph 850-316-6681"
(Thanks to Kathy Brady for this excellent idea!)
50th Birthday Gag Gifts - A cake with 50 candles, and a bucket of water!
Putting candles on your cake is something people grow out of. But they say that old age is like returning to infancy, so why not revive the tradition? Put 50 candles on their cake! When they've recovered from their astonishment, you can tell them:
"Don't count. Just enjoy the glow" .
You could also hand the person a little plastic bucket filled with water (or a fire extinguisher)...
"You might be needing this to help blow out your candles this year!"
Mustache remover (for a woman)
Wrap up some duct tape and label it as "Mustache Remover" or "Facial Hair Remover".
Thanks to reader Angie for sending in this idea!
As a side note, isn't it perplexing when you offer someone a compliment on their mustache and then suddenly she's not your friend any more?
Funny 50th Birthday Quotes
Here are some funny 50th Birthday sayings to accompany your gag gift. These little quotes make great birthday card messages:
Happy 20th Anniversary of your 30th Birthday
The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down. - T. S. Eliot
If things get better with age then you're approaching magnificent - Anon
The tragedy of getting old: So many candles... so little cake - Anon
You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime - John Grier
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional - Chili Davis
I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower now - Anon
I'm fat and you're old...but at least I can diet! - Anon
Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live! - Anon
I think when the full horror of being fifty hits you, you should stay home and have a good cry. - Alan Bleasdale
Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake. - Anon.
And here are some more 50th birthday card and speech ideas here:
50th Birthday Wishes and Messages for Cards
50th Birthday Quotes and Sayings for Cards
50th Birthday Jokes and One-liners
50th Birthday Poems for Cards
100+ Happy Birthday Wishes
More 50th Birthday Message Ideas
Looking for something more to write in a 50th Birthday Card? Why not reflect on what was happening in the year of their birth... back in the good ol' days of 1973... .
These facts are summarised from The People History .
Interesting facts from 1973:
- The Godfather won Best Film at the Oscars
- Women could finally serve on juries in all 50 states
- Skylab first U.S. space station launched
- 110-storey Sears Tower became tallest building in the world
- Stevie Wonder topped the charts with Superstition
- Sydney Opera House opened to the public
- First car with airbags sold
To make a really neat gift, turn the facts from their birth year into a poster-gift like this:
Click here to personalize and print your poster
Looking for more interesting facts? Do a google search for "on this day in 1973", and find out what was actually happening on the day that they were born!
Looking for more ideas?
I hope my list gave you some good ideas! If you're still looking for more funny 50th Birthday Gag Gifts, check out my Over the Hill birthday ideas and homemade gag gifts pages.
Need party ideas? Check out our 50th Birthday Party Ideas page too!